File: blk04806.txt

g/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
Mined by Luxor Techh
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  "tick": "tapswap-v2",
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint BENGITAR.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size:L~ 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>BENGITAR.blife</div> </body>h!
g/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/98
  "op": "token-auth",
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  "hash": "233469dab9183eac60dbe6782b350dc1b5a470e46fe6fee91c0f0fbf3ca477e8",
  "salt": "0.3827012404407113"
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint TORUKA.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size: 5Lzvw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>TORUKA.blife</div> </body>h!
iAE Parentx3the beginning of handcrafted art on bitcoin by AEZY
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fArtistlDoug FrieseneTitlekRadioactivefMediumlIllustrationdYeard2025gWebsitehdougf.cakDescriptionx
No longer safe for the night migration, residents of the sea are forced to the air as a radioactive glow permeates the darkness. They yearn to create legacy and home only to become the nomads of the night.
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<p2>Pizza pets</p2>h!
g/ Pool/
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By MartinjoSs - 32 x 32 pixels
dnameqOrdiMutants #4239
dnameqOrdiMutants #1226
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dnameqOrdiMutants #3194
dnameqOrdiMutants #2847
dnameqOrdiMutants #1631
dnameqOrdiMutants #4163
dnameqOrdiMutants #1930
dnameqOrdiMutants #2020
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dnameqOrdiMutants #3764
g/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/2
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint MOONBEAM.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size:L~ 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>MOONBEAM.blife</div> </body>h!
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint NICENAILS.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sizeL
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint KB88888.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size: L|5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>KB88888.blife</div> </body>h!
(Promotion of Valor Certificate)h!
(Honorable Discharge Certificate)h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint BITCOINVN.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sizeL
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint SATTOSHI.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size:L~ 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>SATTOSHI.blife</div> </body>h!
dnameuBitcoin Philately #39phigh_res_img_urlxm
g| MARA Made in USA
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint CHASEBANK.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sizeL
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/ViaBTC/Mined by 212krsk25/,
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint SHOCKERMAN.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sizL
e: 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>SHOCKERMAN.blife</div> </body>h!
g/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/E
Aj?from:30000USDC(SOL):YitaXS71r9o7TLAJwGCdtDZY8MaAekeokZRRaxkdDTC	Be
pTraces of a SoulxJBetween shadows and light, the skin holds memories that time cannot erase.
bidxBa80c369e09e7f2bbc5a03f3dba3cc41c17b956bec2d64506c311c7c1548f278ei0dfilepGolden Break.jpgdNamelGolden BreakfArtistmAndrew HookercBiox"Specialist Australian PhotographerfMediumkPhotographyqSpecialist Mediumx
Intentional Camera MovementkDescriptionx%Waves break on a sunset-gilded ocean.
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.2 (Windows)
Andrew M Hooker 2025
)#Andrew Hooker #Andrew Hooker Photography
#Not for Adobe's Use in any way
Andrew M Hooker 20258BIM
Copyright (c) 1998 Hewlett-Packard Company
.IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
.IEC 61966-2.1 Default RGB colour space - sRGB
,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1
,Reference Viewing Condition in IEC61966-2.1
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                        <meta charset="UTF-8">
                        <title>The Playful World of Cheesus: Bitcoin Ordinals, Pop Art, and On-Chain Innovation</title>
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                                <h2>The Bitcoin Gazette</h2>
                                <h1>Crypto Fumble: Degentralized
s $75,000 $DOG Disaster
                            <div style="clear:both; display: flex; align-items: flex-start;">
                                <div class="image-container">
                                    <img src="/contentM
/618ffb4e23e19566c7567841187a1c424dfd775e4f8cb633a7a3d4836784835fi0" />
                                <div class="article-content">
                                    <h1>Crypto Fumble: Degentralized
s $75,000 $DOG Disaster
<p><em>February 20, 2025</em>
s equal parts tragic and hilarious, X user Degentralized has gifted the crypto world a cautionary tale for the ages. They announced yesterday that they lost $75,000 worth of $DM
not DOGE, mind you, but the Bitcoin Rune token with a cult following
by sending it to a Solana wallet. Yep, you heard that right: Bitcoin to Solana, a cross-chain catastrophe so absurd it
s almost performance art.</p>
s X post was a masterstroke of brevity:
Lost 75k in a mis trade sending $DOG on Bitcoin to Solana wallet.
 No tears, no excuses
just pure, unfiltered chaos. For the uninitiated, $DOG is a decentralized memecoin built on Bitcoin
s Runes protocol, not to be confM
s favorite puppy coin, DOGE. Sending it to Solana, a completely unrelated blockchain, is like mailing a Bitcoin to the moon and expecting it to land in your PayPal. Spoiler: it
    <h2>A Lesson in Chain Pain</h2>
s a full-on forehead slap for anyone still treating crypto like a slot machine. The blockchain doesn
t care about your hopes, dreams, or fat-fingered transactions. Degentralized
s blunder is the kind of thing thatM
 keeps wallet developers up at night and gives X trolls endless ammo.
I thought $DOG was for life not just for Solana
 one user quipped. Another chimed in,
s a donation to the void.
s the PSA: Do Your Own Research, people! DYOR isn
t just a catchy acronym
s the only thing standing between you and a $75,000 oopsie. Mixing up chains is rookie stuff, but in crypto, even rookies can lose a fortune faster than you can say
    <h2>The Fallout</h2>
    <p>The X crowd didn
t hold back. Some mourned the loss of $DOG, a coin hyped as
 by its Bitcoin faithful. Others pointed fingers at influencers like LeonidasNFT, who
s been shilling $DOG
s no bridge here, just a cliff. Degentralized
s wallet is now a cautionary tale, and their $75,000 is a ghost in the machine.</p>
    <p>Stay sharp, crypto fam. Check your chains, double-check your addM6
resses, and maybe don
t treat your portfolio like a science experiment. Degentralized learned the hard way
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g| MARA Made in USA
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  <title> MORE by OK </title>
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      const color1 = random(colors);
      const color2 = random(colors);
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, 0, size * 0.4);
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, 0, size * 0.8);
 / 3, -size / 3, size * 0.2);
 / 3, -size / 3, size * 0.2); / 3, size / 3, size * 0.2);
 / 3, size / 3, size * 0.2);
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dnameqOrdiMutants #3169
dnameqOrdiMutants #1990
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>{"p":"brc-20", "op":"transfer", "tick":"rdex", "amt":"108900"}h!
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Bitcoin Cyborgs 10K #408jattributes
jtrait_typedHeadevaluepOrange War Paint
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jtrait_typeeHandsevaluesGold LOVE Wristband
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint GATORGOOSE31.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sL
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1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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8-911.7 0s-251.8-660 0-911.7 660-251.8 911.7 0 251.7 659.9 0 911.7z"/><path d="M84.1 504.2c-251.8 251.8-251.8 660 0 911.7s660 251.8 911.7 0 251.8-660 0-911.7-659.9-251.8-911.7 0zM540 1537.8c-318.6 0-577.8-259.2-577.8-577.8S221.4 382.2 540 382.2s577.8 259.2 577.8 577.8c.1 318.6-259.1 577.8-577.8 577.8z"/><path d="M540 382.2C221.4 382.2-37.8 641.4-37.8 960s259.2 577.8 577.8 577.8c318.7 0 577.9-259.2 577.8-577.8 0-318.6-259.2-577.8-577.8-577.8zm.1 1088.7c-281.7 0-510.9-229.2-510.9-510.9s229.2-510.9 510.9-510.9S1051 67M
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
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46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
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954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
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"M-441.4 750.8c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M1399.7 1677.1c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c.1 1-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M-75.2 910.2c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M1373.9 1454.9c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M1300.3 1919.9c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c.1 1.1-.8 1.9-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M-219.2 872.9c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 M
1.8 1.8c0 1.1-.8 1.9-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M-232.3 691.4c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c0 1.1-.8 1.9-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M-234.2 844.4c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c.1 1.1-.8 1.9-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M1050.1 1742.9c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M-19.9 795.8c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M714.3 1524.5c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M486.7 1626.8c-1M
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.5 2-1 .1-1.9-.6-2-1.5-.2-.9.5-1.8 1.5-2z"/><path d="M1948.1 1882.2c0-1 .8-1.8 1.8-1.8s1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8-1.8-.9-1.8-1.8z"/><path d="M1854.3 1798.9c0-1 .8-1.8 1.8-1.8s1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8z"/><path d="M1750.5 1947c0-1 .8-1.8 1.8-1.8s1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8z"/><path d="M1779.2 1862.3c0-1 .8-1.8 1.8-1.8s1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8z"/><path d="M2053.8 1852.7c0-1 .8-1.8 1.8-1.8s1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8c-.9 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8z"/><path d="M2338.3 1844.M
3c1-.1 1.9.6 2 1.5.1 1-.6 1.9-1.5 2-1 .1-1.9-.6-2-1.5-.2-.9.5-1.8 1.5-2z"/><path d="M2117.2 1886.3c1-.1 1.9.6 2 1.5.1 1-.6 1.9-1.5 2-1 .1-1.9-.6-2-1.5-.2-.9.5-1.9 1.5-2z"/><path d="M1926 1771.9c0-1 .8-1.8 1.8-1.8s1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8z"/><path d="M3178.1 1965.6c0-1 .8-1.8 1.8-1.8s1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8c-.9 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8z"/><path d="M3143.9 1871.2c0-1 .8-1.8 1.8-1.8s1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8c-.9 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8z"/><path d="M3246.6 1842.4c0-1 .8-1.8 1.8-1.8s1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 M
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s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2392.3 1497.3c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c.1 1-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2430.4 1618.5c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2941.4 1322.9c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c.1 1-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2089.1 1408.8c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c.1.9-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M1864.2 1516.8c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c.1 1-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8zM
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8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c0 .9-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2226 1363.2c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c.1 1-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2498.9 1459.5c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2137.1 1457.7c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M1621.6 1475.1c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8c.1 1-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2046.7 1507.6c-1 0-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8s.8-1.8 1.8-1.8 1.8.8 1.8 1.8-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M1905M
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.8-.9-1.8-1.8 0-1 .9-1.8 1.8-1.8 1 0 1.8.8 1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2695.8 267c-1 .1-1.9-.6-2-1.6-.1-1 .6-1.9 1.6-2 1-.1 1.9.6 2 1.9-1.6 2z"/><path d="M2751.7 247.8c-1 .1-1.9-.6-2-1.6-.1-1 .6-1.9 1.6-2 1-.1 1.9.6 2 1.8-1.6 2z"/><path d="M2505.4 269c0 1-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8-1 0-1.8-.9-1.8-1.8 0-1 .9-1.8 1.8-1.8 1 0 1.8.8 1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M3002.2 336.3c0 1-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8-1 0-1.8-.9-1.8-1.8 0-1 .9-1.8 1.8-1.8 1-.1 1.8.8 1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2582.1 463.7c0 1-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8-1 0-1.8-.9-1.8-1.8 0-1 .9-1.8 1M
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c0 1-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8-1 0-1.8-.9-1.8-1.8 0-1 .9-1.8 1.8-1.8 1 0 1.8.8 1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2386.9-13.1c0 1-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8-1 0-1.8-.9-1.8-1.8 0-1 .9-1.8 1.8-1.8 1-.1 1.8.8 1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M2256.5-.3c0 1-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8-1 0-1.8-.9-1.8-1.8 0-1 .9-1.8 1.8-1.8 1 0 1.8.8 1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M1730.6 314c0 1-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8-1 0-1.8-.9-1.8-1.8 0-1 .9-1.8 1.8-1.8 1 0 1.8.8 1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M1814.8 221.4c0 1-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8-1 0-1.8-.9-1.8-1.8 0-1 .9-1.8 1.8-1.8 1 0 1.8.9 1.8 1.8z"/><path d="M1856.6 266.7c0 1-.9 1.8-1.8 1.8-M
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.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.2-1.5-.8-2.4.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.6.8 2.4z"/><path d="M-1266 1410.8c-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.2-1.5-.8-2.4.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.3 1.5.8 2.4z"/><path d="M803.5 2795.7c-.4-.9 0-2 .9-2.4.9-.4 2 0 0 2-.9 2.4s-2.1 0-2.4-.9z"/><path d="M884.4 3204.6c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 1.9-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M1021.4 2588.8c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 1.3s-.4 1.9-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M918.5 2405.6c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .M
3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 1.9-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M858 2619c-.4-.9 0-2 .9-2.4.9-.4 2 0 0 2-.9 2.4s-2 0-2.4-.9z"/><path d="M908.3 2707.3c-.4-.9 0-2 .9-2.4.9-.4 2 0 0 2-.9 2.4s-2 0-2.4-.9z"/><path d="M856.4 2507.4c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 2-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M896.8 2972.7c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 1.9-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M837 3080.2c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 1.3s-.4 2-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M
M1012.2 3145.7c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 2-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M922.9 3140.8c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 1.3s-.4 1.9-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M840.2 2878.7c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 1.3.2 1-.4 2-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M756 2606.9c-.4-.9 0-2 .9-2.4.9-.4 2 0 0 2-.9 2.4s-2.1 0-2.4-.9z"/><path d="M855.6 2808.7c-.4-.9 0-2 .9-2.4.9-.4 2 0 0 2-.9 2.4s-2 0-2.4-.9z"/><path d="M1016.2 2369.8c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-M
.3 2 .3 2.2 1.3.2 1-.4 2-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M1051.2 2282.1c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 2-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M1002.4 2174.7c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 1.9-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M1029.5 2426.3c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 2-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M889.5 2109.4c-1 .3-2-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-1 .3-2 1.3-2.2 1-.3 2 .3 2.2 1.3s-.3 2-1.3 2.2z"/><path d="M223.9 2332.5c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.M
9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M146.7 2103c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 2 .4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M401.4 2388.2c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2 1-.2 2 .3 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M499.4 2384.7c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M130.3 2487.2c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M185.2 2500.6c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 2M
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9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M324.2 2735c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M407.1 2647.7c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2 1-.2 2 .4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M513.7 2578.6c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M92.1 2165.3c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M403 2963.6c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.3 1.9M
.3 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M567.3 3151.3c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M483.4 2669.2c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M488.2 2761.3c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M415.2 3462.7c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M496.1 3298.9c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.M
3 2 .3 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M380.1 3293.5c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2 1-.2 2 .4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M322.4 2843.8c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2 1-.2 2 .4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M342.2 2555.2c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.3 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M437.3 2904.3c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.3 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M592 3396.2c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2 1-.M
2 2 .4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M509.6 2978c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M422 3148.4c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.2 1.9.4 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M319.2 3081c.3.9-.3 1.9-1.3 2.2-.9.3-1.9-.3-2.2-1.3-.3-.9.3-1.9 1.3-2.2.9-.3 2 .3 2.2 1.3z"/><path d="M-1712.1 268.8c-.4 1-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.1-1-.4-1.4-1.4-1.1-2.3.4-1 1.4-1.4 2.3- 1.4 1.4 1.1 2.3z"/><path d="M-1592.7 596.5c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5M
-.8 1.6-1.1 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-1655.9 407.5c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.6-.9 1.7-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2035.7 308.3c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2067.6 559c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5s1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-1857.7 317c-.4 1-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.1-1-.4-1.4-1.4-1.1-2.3.4-1 1.4-1.4 2.3-1.1 1 .3 1.5 1.4 1.1 2.3z"/><path d="M-1848.9 258.5c-.4 1-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.1-1-.4-1.4-1.4-1.1-2.3.4-1 1.4-1.4M
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5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.6-.9 1.7-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-1810.5 436.8c-.4 1-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.1-1-.4-1.4-1.4-1.1-2.3.4-1 1.4-1.4 2.3-1.1s1.4 1.4 1.1 2.3z"/><path d="M-1740.2 223c-.4 1-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.1-1-.4-1.4-1.4-1.1-2.3.4-1 1.4-1.4 2.3-1.1s1.4 1.4 1.1 2.3z"/><path d="M-2131.8 551.5c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2162.3 423.7c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.6-.8 1.7-1.1 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-1901.1 141.4c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.M
5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-1755.5 579.8c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2292.9 729.5c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.7-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2350.9 979.4c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.6-.9 1.7-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2248.7 461.8c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.8 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2297.5 583.4c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-M
1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.8 1.7-1.1 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2261.3 1194.9c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.8 1.6-1.1 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2245.2 1061.4c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2183.7 1108.3c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.8 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2118 660.9c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2167.2 378.5c.9.5 1.2 1.6.M
7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2254.3 698.3c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2459.7 818.8c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.8 1.6-1.1 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-2396.4 728.5c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5s1.7-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-1769.4 68.9c.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5s1.6-1.2 2.5-.7z"/><path d="M-1593.1 1380c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2M
.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1656.8 1544.1c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.5-1.1-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1875.4 1202.2c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.6-1.2-1.7-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1999.9 1239.2c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1977.2 1431.3c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-616.3 476.7c.5M
-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.5-1.1-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1768.2 1510.9c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-2146.8 1231.1c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.7-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1874.2 1090.8c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1525.6 893.7c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.6-1.1-1.7-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-15M
11.3 644.6c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.6-1.1-1.7-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1789.1 1047.4c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.7-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1728 978.3c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.6-1.2-1.7-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1149.1 547.4c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.5-1.2-1.7-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1357.1 589.1c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><patM
h d="M-1278.1 674.2c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.7-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1552 1035.5c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.5-1.1-1.7-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1591.6 911.9c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1357.4 452.4c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1591.5 808.6c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.M
5z"/><path d="M-1409.6 748.4c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-1383.6 868.5c.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.8-.5-1.1-1.6-.7-2.5z"/><path d="M-16.1-436.7c1 0 1.8.8 1.8 1.8s-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8c0-1.1.8-1.9 1.8-1.8z"/><path d="M8.3-607c1 0 1.8.8 1.8 1.8s-.8 1.8-1.8 1.8-1.8-.8-1.8-1.8c-.1-1 .8-1.8 1.8-1.8z"/><path d="M259.8-1218.4c-.3 1-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.1-1-.3-1.4-1.4-1.1-2.3.3-1 1.4-1.4 2.3- 1.4 1.3 1.1 2.3z"/><path d="M
M479.5-1572.6c.9.5 1.2 1.6.8 2.4-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.8-2.4.4-.9 1.5-1.3 2.4-.8z"/><path d="M99.3-1126.4c-.3 1-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.1-1-.3-1.4-1.4-1.1-2.3.3-1 1.4-1.4 2.3- 1.4 1.4 1.1 2.3z"/><path d="M122.8-1225.3c-.3 1-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.1-1-.3-1.4-1.4-1.1-2.3.3-1 1.4-1.4 2.3- 1.4 1.4 1.1 2.3z"/><path d="M24.4-1043.7c.9.5 1.2 1.6.8 2.4-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.8-2.4s1.5-1.3 2.4-.8z"/><path d="M312.2-1411.5c.9.5 1.2 1.6.8 2.4-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.8-2.4.4-.9 1.5-1.3 2.4-.8z"/><paM
th d="M429.3-1449.3c.9.5 1.2 1.6.8 2.4-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.8-2.4.5-.9 1.6-1.3 2.4-.8z"/><path d="M345.9-1616.8c.9.5 1.2 1.6.8 2.4-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.8-2.4.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8z"/><path d="M407.8-1552.2c.9.5 1.2 1.6.8 2.4-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.8-2.4.4-.9 1.5-1.3 2.4-.8z"/><path d="M289.6-1304.2c.9.5 1.2 1.6.8 2.4-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.8-2.4.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8z"/><path d="M165.7-1048c-.3 1-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.1-1-.3-1.4-1.4-1.1-2.3.3-1 1.4-1.4 2.3- 1.5 1.4 1.1 2.3M
z"/><path d="M230.5-1263.5c-.3 1-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.1-1-.3-1.4-1.4-1.1-2.3.3-1 1.4-1.4 2.3-1.1 1 .3 1.5 1.4 1.1 2.3z"/><path d="M367.6-484.4c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.2-1.5-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M514.9-43.2c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.3-1.5-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M267.6-263.9c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.3-1.6-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M275.8-646.2c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.3-1.5-.M
8-2.4z"/><path d="M201.8-710.5c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.3-1.5-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M541.6-533.7c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.2-1.5-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M510.6-581c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.2-1.5-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M575.3-631.3c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M229.3-519c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.2-1.5-.8-2.M
4z"/><path d="M336.3-534.1c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.3-1.6-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M536.9-417.3c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M568.9-847.1c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.5-1.3-1.6-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M448.6-839.9c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.2-1.5-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M323.6-862c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.3-1.5-.8-2.4zM
"/><path d="M350-272.2c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.2-1.6-.8-2.4z"/><path d="M667.1-1068c.4-.9 1.5-1.2 2.4-.8.9.4 1.2 1.5.8 2.4-.4.9-1.5 1.2-2.4.8-.9-.4-1.2-1.5-.8-2.4z"/>
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"/><path d="M1135.2-282.5c-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7z"/><path d="M1135.6-1066c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.8.6 1.1 1.7.7 2.5z"/><path d="M158.7-162.6c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5z"/><path d="M1068-579.6c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.7.7 2.5z"/><path d="M1053.7-330.5c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.7.7 2.5M
z"/><path d="M691.6-233.3c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.8.5 1.1 1.6.7 2.5z"/><path d="M899.6-275c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5z"/><path d="M820.6-360.1c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5z"/><path d="M1094.4-721.4c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5z"/><path d="M1134.1-597.8c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.8.5 1.1 1.6.7 2.5M
z"/><path d="M899.8-138.4c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.6 1.2 1.7.7 2.5z"/><path d="M1134-494.6c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.8.6 1.1 1.7.7 2.5z"/><path d="M952.1-434.3c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.6.7 2.5z"/><path d="M926-554.5c-.5.9-1.6 1.2-2.5.7-.9-.5-1.2-1.6-.7-2.5.5-.9 1.6-1.2 2.5-.7.9.5 1.2 1.7.7 2.5z"/></g>
<g class="stars" fill="#d7dfff"><path d="M-348.5 568.7a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6zM
"/><path d="M-622.8 638.6a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-249.7 570.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M288.6 1595.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M125.5 1578.1a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-88.8 1496a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-166.4 1689.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-690.8 1818.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1335 1645.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.M
6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1970 1727.7c-3 1.2-4.5 4.5-3.3 7.5 1.2 3 4.5 4.4 7.5 3.3 3-1.2 4.5-4.5 3.3-7.5-1.1-3-4.5-4.5-7.5-3.3z"/><path d="M971 1484.6a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M776.1 1231.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M478.2 1202.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M210.6 1115.1a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1371.5 590.7a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M570.5 680.2a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6M
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.1 4.9 7.2 4 3.1-.9 4.9-4.1 4-7.2-.9-3.1-4.1-4.8-7.2-4z"/><path d="M790.5 63.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1248.5 1840.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-395.5 604.6a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-143.9 1114.7a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M7.8 613.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M70.7 697.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M197 750.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11M
.6z"/><path d="M1483.4 1222.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1694.3 1172.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1705 79.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1543 252.1a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1464.9 137.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M876.2 193.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-167.4 188.6a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-563.8 635.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4M
c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M76.7 315a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-794.5 667.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-605.1 1846.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-744.9 1877.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-815.8 1842.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-436.6 1805.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.M
7z"/><path d="M-504.8 1755.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-672.9 759a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-757.1 762a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-517.2 731.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1198.3 238.1c-2 .6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3.1-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-1164.2 180.2c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 2 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 2-.6 3.1-M
2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-1470.8 351.1c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-1394 305.5c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 2-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.6-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-43 231.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1269.2 270.2c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 2 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 2-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3.1-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-1061.7 269c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 2 2.6 3.1 4.5 2M
.5 2-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-513.6 561.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-521.8 798.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-422.2 837.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-479.2 607.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-314.6 1000.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-240.1 1057.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path dM
="M-70.3 1050.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M26.7 1076.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M411.5 1193.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M289.9 1238.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M198 1239.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-273.4 1774.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-173.7 1827.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><pathM
 d="M1306.9 1875.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M251.4 1745.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M105.1 1502.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1334.9 1774.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2221.9 1578.2c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.8 2.1 1.9-.7 2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8-.8-1.9-2.9-2.9-4.8-2.1z"/><path d="M258 1655.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-8.3 1549.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3M
.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-131.9 1571.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-249.7 1640.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-349.5 1730.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M182.9 1685.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M204.6 1598.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M411.5 1722.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M41 1487.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.M
1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M550.1 1839.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M404.1 1778a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M508.9 1770.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1084 1152.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M866.2 1149.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M119 1157.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M746.5 1160.9M
a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M550.1 1270.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M277.2 1183.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1576.5 1273.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1705 1283.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1826.6 1359.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1735.5 1327.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.M
7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M93.2 789a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-117.2 603.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M114 660.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M870.7 1368.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M695 1186.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M585.8 1152a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M7.8 677a3.7 3.7 0 1 M
1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-52.3 572.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-290.2 506.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-443.9 542.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-106.8 287.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-230.8 88.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1451.5 294.5c-2 .6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.6-3.1-4.5-2.5z"/>M
<path d="M-1321.1 342.5c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.6-1.9-2.6-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-1201.8 308.8c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 2-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.6-3.1-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-1079.4 181.6c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.6-3.1-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-991.5 70.8c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 2 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M930.7 1281.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0M
-7.4z"/><path d="M834.5 1311.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M996.1 1364.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2172.6 1514.9c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.7 2.1s2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8c-.7-1.9-2.8-2.9-4.7-2.1z"/><path d="M2140.7 1621.7c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.7 2.1 1.9-.7 2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8-.7-1.9-2.8-2.9-4.7-2.1z"/><path d="M2005.3 1797.7c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.8 2.1s2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8c-.8-2-2.9-2.9-4.8-2.1z"/><path d="M2306.7 1664.6M
c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.8 2.1s2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8-2.9-2.8-4.8-2.1z"/><path d="M2058.7 1689.6c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.8 2.1 1.9-.7 2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8-.8-1.9-2.9-2.8-4.8-2.1z"/><path d="M1389.6 1866.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1468.6 1514.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1180.7 1171a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1145.8 1245.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3M
.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1598.8 1197.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1387.6 642.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7 0-2 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M588.9 492.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M814.6 603.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M842 712.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1426.4 684.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M686.3 608.2a3.7 M
3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1057.8 718a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1316.3 588.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M602.1 582.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1258.6 591a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M663.1 694.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M329 672.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M958.9 719.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6M
-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1231.6 683.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1524.1 669.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M983.5 615.2c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1533.3 38a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1350.3 220.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1446.8 293a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><M
path d="M1665.4 254.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1382.3 160.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1394.9 60c2 0 3.6 1.7 3.6 3.7s-1.7 3.6-3.7 3.6-3.7-1.7-3.6-3.7c0-2 1.7-3.6 3.7-3.6z"/><path d="M822 115a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M863.1 298.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M670.4 52.7c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M612.8 23.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-M
3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M896 126.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M861.2 68a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M225.7 297.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M481.9 477.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M476.1 605.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M377.5 418.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M336.3 514.7a3.7 3.7 0 1M
 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M155.3 353.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M961.5 294.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1599.6 154.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1756.7 135.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1495.7 798a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1372 1198.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.M
7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2249.7 1501.1c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.8 2.1s2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8c-.8-1.9-2.9-2.8-4.8-2.1z"/><path d="M1079.2 1465.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1049 1579.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1239 1451.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1160.6 1519.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1303.1 1537.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1241.7 1710.5M
a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-211.1 987.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-559.5 860.9c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-353.5 896.3c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c0-4.9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M1239 1226.5c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M2020 1622.4a8.97 8.97 0 0 0 6.5 16.7 8.97 8.97 0 0 0-6.5-16.7z"/><path d="M925.5 2104.8c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c.1-5 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-331.5 1851.1c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4M
-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M338.7 1740.5c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M697.9 1848.7a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M843.1 1829a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M840.8 2113.8a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M330.8 2557.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M805.4 1893.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M867 1995.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1075.5M
 2317a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M646.5 1744.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/>
<path d="M929.2 1855a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M956.8 2204.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1052.6 2227.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M433.8 2778.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M572.6 2695.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M400.5 2610.1a3.7 3.7 0M
 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M783.2 1823.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M717.8 1693.8c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M992.4 2030.5c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c0-4.9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M511 2644c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M916.6 2736.4c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M968.4 3287.5c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M746.8 3103.2c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c.1-5 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M1572.6M
 771.2c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M880.6 666.1c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M1009.9 1194.7c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M81.3 1194.6c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M1178.5 1582.6c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c.1-5 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M975.9 180c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c0-4.9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M289.9 417.3c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M218.2 660c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c0-4.9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-68.M
3 346.3c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M1716.6 739.2a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1628.9 855.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1849.2 671.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1780 719.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1823.9 755.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7 0-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1665.3 776.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-M
1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1201.5 342.9a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M996.1 386.6a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1050.5 357.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1270.7 173.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7 0-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1027.8 323a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1201.5 221.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1245.4 M
257.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1135.2 315c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M465.7 2444.9a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M37.7 2368.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M176.6 2397.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M199.4 2320.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M23 2179.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7M
.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M268.1 2408.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M458.4 2523a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M312.1 2278.5c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M69.2 2251.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M369.2 2441.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M65.5 2526.3c2 0 3.7 1.6M
 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M122.7 2336a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M380.8 2365.1c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M19.4 2447.6c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M974.2 2820.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M812.3 2992.9a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M734.2 2878.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M802.6 2778.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.M
7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M619.5 2961.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M716.1 3033.8c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M894.5 3075.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M969.8 3117.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1052.7 3339.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M651.5 2901a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.M
7-3.7z"/><path d="M664.2 2800.8c2 0 3.6 1.7 3.6 3.7s-1.7 3.6-3.7 3.6-3.7-1.7-3.6-3.7c0-2 1.6-3.6 3.7-3.6z"/><path d="M868.8 2895.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M867.5 3216.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1026 2766a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M940 3177.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M539.9 2914.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M514.7 2998M
.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M504.9 3335.2a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M214.3 3567.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M603.7 3337.1a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M664.1 3211.1a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M262.9 3373.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M289.7 3402.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M73 3536.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-M
3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M53.9 3428.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M339.8 3327.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M331.6 3564.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M431.2 3603.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M563.2 3273.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M609.5 3124.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M409.5 3308.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 M
0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M204.8 3409.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M3.7 3481.4c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M293.9 3627.4c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c0-4.9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M133.1 3474.1c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M499.9 3662.9c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M298.6-300.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M125.5-317.7a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11M
.6z"/><path d="M951-411.2a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M776.1-664.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M604-814.8a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M76.7-774.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M114.9-942.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M461.8-1193.9a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1035.4-1319.7a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M917.4-1479.9a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8M
 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M273.8-1835.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 0 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 0 0-11.6z"/><path d="M151.1-1552.9a5.8 5.8 0 1 0 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 0 0-11.6z"/><path d="M626.8-1249.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M754.9-1459.8a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M167.1-1687.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 0 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 0 0-11.6z"/><path d="M581.6-1825a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M26.7-819a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="MM
251.4-142.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M105.1-393a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M263-240.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M174.9-210.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M204.6-297.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M411.5-173a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M34-436.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M485.6-74.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7M
 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M404.1-117.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M866.2-725.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M746.5-724.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M429.8-847.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M561.8-768.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M558.2-1250.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/>M
<path d="M359.7-1197.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M519.8-1152.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M663.1-1295a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M870.7-526.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M675-689.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M930.7-614.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M844.5-621.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3M
.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M996.1-551.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1043.9-1537.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7 0-2 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M195.5-984.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M152.8-816.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M481.7-1051.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M356.1-1018.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M290.4-1081.6a3.7 3.7 0 1M
 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1067-1417.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M44-893.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M794-1387.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M868.1-1410.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M339.7-869.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M365.3-960.5c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><pM
ath d="M241.3-1767.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0-7.4z"/><path d="M190.1-1597.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0-7.4z"/><path d="M392.8-1843.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0-7.4z"/><path d="M520.5-1872.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0-7.4z"/><path d="M167.3-1756.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4c2 0 3.7-1.6 3.7-3.7-.1-2.1-1.7-3.7-3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M165-1835.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4c2 0 3.7-1.6 3.7-3.7s-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M700.6-1862.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M946.8-1522.6M
a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M941.1-1394a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M842.5-1641.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M801.3-1545.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M634.2-1806.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M111.7-1601.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4c2 0 3.7-1.6 3.7-3.7s-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1049-305.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M338.7-155.3c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9M
-4-9-9c.1-4.9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M639.9-23a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M843.1-96.8a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M519.9-161.1a5.8 5.8 0 1 1-5.8 5.8c-.1-3.2 2.5-5.8 5.8-5.8z"/><path d="M11.5-354.8a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M837.3-17.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M630.5-126.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M783.2-102a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M717M
.8-202c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c0-4.9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M281.4-922.7c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c.1-4.9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M1009.9-728.1c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M510.9-908.2c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c0-4.9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M58.3-1698.7c-5 0-9 4-9 9s4 9 9 9 9-4 9-9-4-9-9-9z"/><path d="M777.9-1611.7c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M683.2-1399.9c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M76.7-1528.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 0 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 0 0-11.6z"/><path d="MM
12.8-1537.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0-7.4z"/><path d="M35.4-1602.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4c2 0 3.7-1.6 3.7-3.7s-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2302.2 568.7a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M1969.9 1209.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2011.6 801a5.8 5.8 0 1 1-5.8 5.8c.1-3.2 2.6-5.8 5.8-5.8z"/><path d="M2401 570.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2949.3 1595.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2776.2 1578.1a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11M
.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2540.9 1489a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2332.2 1483.2c3-1.2 6.3.3 7.5 3.3 1.2 3-.3 6.3-3.3 7.5-3 1.2-6.3-.3-7.5-3.3-1.2-2.9.3-6.3 3.3-7.5z"/><path d="M1823.7 1820.8c-3 1.2-4.4 4.5-3.3 7.5 1.2 3 4.5 4.5 7.5 3.3 3-1.2 4.5-4.5 3.3-7.5-1.1-3-4.5-4.5-7.5-3.3z"/><path d="M3215.5 1193a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2983.4 1087.8a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M3221.2 680.2a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.M
6z"/><path d="M2719.8 299.1a5.76 5.76 0 0 1-2.7-7.7c1.4-2.9 4.9-4.1 7.7-2.7 2.9 1.4 4.1 4.9 2.7 7.7a5.84 5.84 0 0 1-7.7 2.7z"/><path d="M3103.2 520a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2129.8 247.9a5.8 5.8 0 1 1-5.8 5.8c.1-3.2 2.6-5.8 5.8-5.8z"/><path d="M1860.1 86.8a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2197.2 1175.6a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2373.7 1209.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2518.9 1074.7a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.M
8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2658.6 613.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M2987.3 615.4c-2.8 1.5-6.3.4-7.8-2.4s-.4-6.3 2.4-7.8 6.3-.4 7.8 2.4.4 6.4-2.4 7.8z"/>
<path d="M2864.9 654.1c-2.8 1.5-6.3.4-7.8-2.4s-.4-6.3 2.4-7.8 6.3-.4 7.8 2.4.4 6.3-2.4 7.8z"/><path d="M2670.5 427.2a5.76 5.76 0 0 1-2.7-7.7c1.4-2.9 4.9-4.1 7.7-2.7 2.9 1.4 4.1 4.9 2.7 7.7a5.73 5.73 0 0 1-7.7 2.7z"/><path d="M2060.2 606.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2087 635.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0M
-7.4z"/><path d="M2506 207.1c-1.8-.9-2.6-3.1-1.7-4.9.9-1.8 3.1-2.6 4.9-1.7 1.8.9 2.6 3.1 1.7 4.9-.9 1.8-3 2.6-4.9 1.7z"/><path d="M1870.4 769.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1798.2 1238.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1754.3 1878.3c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.8 2.1 1.9-.7 2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8-.8-1.9-3-2.9-4.8-2.1z"/><path d="M1895.5 1855.7c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.8 2.1 1.9-.7 2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8-.7-1.9-2.9-2.8-4.8-2.1z"/><path d="M
M1949.1 1798c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.8 2.1 1.9-.7 2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8-.8-2-2.9-2.9-4.8-2.1z"/><path d="M1582.2 1901.1c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.7.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.8 2.1 1.9-.7 2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8-.8-1.8-2.9-2.7-4.8-2z"/><path d="M1627.8 1830.4c-1.9.7-2.8 2.9-2.1 4.8.7 1.9 2.9 2.8 4.8 2.1 1.9-.7 2.8-2.9 2.1-4.8-.8-1.9-2.9-2.9-4.8-2.1z"/><path d="M1919.8 1329.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1835.6 1333a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2M
075.5 1302.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2060.2 135.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2011.6 88.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2353.2 169.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2266.9 146.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2571.8 309.1c-1.8-.9-2.6-3.1-1.7-4.9.9-1.8 3.1-2.6 4.9-1.7 1.8.9 2.6 3.1 1.7 4.9-.9 1.8-3.1 2.6-4.9 1.7z"/><path d="M2137.2 146.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7M
.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1937.2 202.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2137.2 561.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2128.9 798.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2228.5 837.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2113.5 1178.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2469.7 1167.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2310.2 1126.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3M
.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2336.1 1000.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2410.7 1057.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2580.5 1050.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2635.4 1089.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M1470.5 1774.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4c2 0 3.7-1.6 3.7-3.7-.1-2.1-1.7-3.7-3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2405.8 1604.7c1.9-.7 4 .2 4.7 2.1.7 1.9-.2 4-2.1 4.8-1.9.7-4-.2-4.8-2.1-M
.6-1.9.3-4 2.2-4.8z"/><path d="M2902.1 1753.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2755.8 1502.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2913.7 1655.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2635.4 1520.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2442 1531.6c1.9-.7 4 .2 4.8 2.1.7 1.9-.2 4-2.1 4.8-1.9.7-4-.2-4.8-2.1-.7-2 .2-4.1 2.1-4.8z"/><path d="M1446.8 1640.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0-M
7.4z"/><path d="M1546.6 1730.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 0 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2825.6 1685.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2855.3 1598.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M3062.2 1722.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2684.8 1458.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M3200.9 1839.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M3054.9 1778a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 M
3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2688.5 1142.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2556.3 1129.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2949.6 1142.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2910.1 1080.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2851.7 1166.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M3024.6 1034.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M3065.9 M
1129.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M3180.4 1145.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2920.4 558.5c-1.8.9-4 .3-5-1.5-.9-1.8-.3-4 1.5-5 1.8-.9 4-.3 5 1.5.9 1.9.3 4.1-1.5 5z"/><path d="M2533.6 603.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2997.9 685.5c-1.8.9-4 .3-5-1.5-.9-1.8-.3-4 1.5-5 1.8-.9 4-.3 5 1.5s.3 4-1.5 5z"/><path d="M2658.6 677a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2598.4 572.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2M
.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2360.5 506.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2206.9 542.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2002.1 642.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2653.5 286.8c-1.8-.9-2.6-3.1-1.7-4.9.9-1.8 3.1-2.6 4.9-1.7 1.8.9 2.6 3.1 1.7 4.9-.9 1.8-3.1 2.5-4.9 1.7z"/><path d="M2420 88.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2319.2 120.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2206.9M
 202.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2082.9 202.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1930.5 113.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M1815.7 30.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M3229.7 462a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M3252.9 582.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M2775.9 789.7c-1.8.9-4 .3-5-1.5-.9-1.8-.3-4 1.5-5 1.8-.9 4-.3 5 1.M
5 1 1.9.3 4.1-1.5 5z"/><path d="M2876.4 297.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M3132.6 477.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M3126.9 605.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M3028.3 418.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2987.1 514.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2810 353.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2439.7 987.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2091.2M
 860.9c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M1930.5 707.5c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M2247.2 976.4c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M2776.2 1112c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c.1-5 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M1528.6 1851.1c-5 0-9 4-9 9s4 9 9 9 9-4 9-9-4-9-9-9z"/><path d="M2989.5 1740.5c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M3281.2 1768.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M2940.7 417.3c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M2879.5 7M
48.6a9 9 0 0 1-12.1-3.7 9 9 0 0 1 3.7-12.1 9 9 0 0 1 12.1 3.7c2.4 4.4.7 9.8-3.7 12.1z"/><path d="M3145.3 1111.9c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c0-4.9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M2644.5 217.2a9.02 9.02 0 0 1-4.2-12c2.2-4.5 7.5-6.3 12-4.2 4.5 2.2 6.3 7.5 4.2 12a8.93 8.93 0 0 1-12 4.2z"/><path d="M-2282.8 1595.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1246.4 1645.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-831.6 1755a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1630.4 1484.6a5.8 5.8 0 1 M
1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1805.3 1231.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1522.5 1120.5a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1339.7 1105.8a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-2016.7 1193a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-2248.7 1087.8a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-2010.9 680.2a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-2128.9 520a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><paM
th d="M-1589 39.6a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1947.3 50.9a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1669.2 342.9a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1332.9 1840.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/>
<path d="M-2394.4 750.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1040 651.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-829 601.4a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-734.6 679.8a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.M
8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-938.4 106.5c-3.1.9-4.9 4.1-4 7.2.9 3.1 4.1 4.9 7.2 4 3.1-.9 4.9-4.1 4-7.2-.9-3.1-4.1-4.9-7.2-4z"/><path d="M-735.6 228.6c-3.1.9-4.9 4.1-4 7.2.9 3.1 4.1 4.9 7.2 4 3.1-.9 4.9-4.1 4-7.2-.9-3.1-4.1-4.9-7.2-4z"/><path d="M-691.6 97c-3.1.9-4.9 4.1-4 7.2.9 3.1 4.1 4.9 7.2 4 3.1-.9 4.9-4.1 4-7.2a5.9 5.9 0 0 0-7.2-4z"/><path d="M-1685.2 208.3a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1274.6 1875.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-2330M
 1753.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1246.5 1774.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1080.6 1737.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-2318.4 1655.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-2406.5 1685.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-2376.8 1598.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-2169.9 1722.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="MM
-2031.3 1839.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-2177.3 1778a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1439.4 575a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1715.2 1169.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1435.7 1126.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1834.9 1171a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-2282.5 1142.3M
a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-2322.1 1080.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-2380.5 1166.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-2207.5 1034.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-2166.3 1129.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-2051.8 1145.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-946.9 703a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path dM
="M-818.4 712.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1710.7 1368.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1906.4 1206.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1650.7 1281.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1618.9 1190.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1680.8 1227.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1736.9 1274.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path dM
="M-1527.3 773.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1057.8 1660.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7 0-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-989.1 1748.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-945.1 1618.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-888 1781.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1191.8 1866.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1112.8 1514.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7M
 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1352.7 550a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1395.5 633.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-924.6 626.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-2002.5 462a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1766.8 603.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1759.4 762.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1895.1 628.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1M
 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1979.3 582.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1918.3 694.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-2252.4 672.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1622.6 719.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1596.9 628.2c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-784.5 19.9c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5s3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5c-.5M
-1.9-2.6-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-558.7 145.5c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.6-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-631.9 241.7c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3.1-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-852.7 263.9c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 2 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 2-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-605.9 96.3c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.6-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-645.3 3.4c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4M
.6.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.6 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.6-.7-1.9-2.7-3.1-4.6-2.5z"/><path d="M-1759.4 128a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1708.3 298.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1532.4 109.8c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1877.7 85.3c2 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7s-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1685.4 139.6a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1863.6 230.7M
a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1683.2 60a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-2355.7 297.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-2099.5 477.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-2105.3 605.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-2203.9 418.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-2245.1 514.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7M
-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-2422.1 353.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7s1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1629.9 294.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-816.6 149.8c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 2 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.6-1.9-2.6-3.1-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-973 174.4c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-2-2.5-3.1-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-1151.3 627.8a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7 0-2 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><pM
ath d="M-1134.6 1676a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1502.3 1465.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1532.4 1589.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1342.4 1451.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1352.7 1062.1a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1204.5 1108.3a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1146.5 1037.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.M
7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1034.2 1080.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1412.9 1037.4a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1284.4 1149.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1420.8 1527.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1278.3 1527.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1339.7 1710.5a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1284.4 625.5c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-M
9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-876.4 1705.2c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-2242.7 1740.5c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-1883.5 1848.7a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1738.3 1798.9a5.8 5.8 0 1 1 0 11.6 5.8 5.8 0 0 1 0-11.6z"/><path d="M-1776 1882.2a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1951 1768.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-1652.2 1855a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-17M
98.2 1793.7a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-1863.6 1693.8c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-1680.8 666.1c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-1513.5 596.7c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-1402.9 1602.6c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c.1-5 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-1532.4 1204.6c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-1576.5 197c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c.1-4.9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-2291.5 417.3c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9 4-9 9-9z"/>M
<path d="M-2363.2 660c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c0-4.9 4-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-2086.9 1111.9c5 0 9 4 9 9s-4 9-9 9-9-4-9-9c.1-4.9 4.1-9 9-9z"/><path d="M-382.2 223c-3.1.9-4.9 4.1-4 7.2.9 3.1 4.1 4.9 7.2 4 3.1-.9 4.9-4.1 4-7.2a5.9 5.9 0 0 0-7.2-4z"/><path d="M-1585.4 416.7a5.8 5.8 0 1 1-5.8 5.8c.1-3.2 2.6-5.8 5.8-5.8z"/><path d="M-1530.9 357.9a3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/><path d="M-494.8 79c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 2 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.6-1.9-2.6-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-1553.6 293a3M
.7 3.7 0 1 1 0 7.4c-2 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7.1-2.1 1.7-3.7 3.7-3.7z"/><path d="M-415.3 106.3c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 2 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-2-2.5-3.1-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-447.7 152.9c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 2 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-326 178c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3-4.5-2.5z"/><path d="M-254.4 156.6c-1.9.6-3.1 2.6-2.5 4.5.6 1.9 2.6 3.1 4.5 2.5 1.9-.6 3.1-2.6 2.5-4.5-.5-1.9-2.5-3-4.5-2.5z"/><paM
th d="M-842 1562.8c-3 1-4.7 4.2-3.7 7.3 1 3.1 4.2 4.7 7.3 3.7a5.79 5.79 0 0 0-3.6-11z"/><path d="M-717 1489.9c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.6-2-2.7-3-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-731.7 1381.6c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.6-2-2.7-3.1-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-881.3 1409.4c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.6-2-2.7-3-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-667.8 1416.4c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6s2.7 3 4.6 2.4c1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6s-2.7-3.1-4.6-2.4z"/><path d=M
"M-793.3 1449a9.02 9.02 0 0 0-5.8 11.3c1.5 4.7 6.6 7.3 11.3 5.8 4.7-1.5 7.3-6.6 5.8-11.3a9.02 9.02 0 0 0-11.3-5.8z"/><path d="M-362.8 1188a5.79 5.79 0 1 0 3.6 11 5.79 5.79 0 0 0-3.6-11z"/><path d="M-381.7 1381.8a5.79 5.79 0 0 0 3.6 11c3.1-1 4.7-4.2 3.7-7.3-1-3.1-4.2-4.7-7.3-3.7z"/><path d="M-124.1 1182.4a5.79 5.79 0 0 0 3.6 11c3.1-1 4.7-4.2 3.7-7.3-1-3-4.3-4.7-7.3-3.7z"/><path d="M-362.4 1242c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.6-2-2.7-3-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-386.5 1293.9c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4M
 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4s3-2.7 2.4-4.6c-.6-2-2.7-3-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-21.6 1179.7c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.6-1.9-2.7-3-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-311 1169c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.6-2-2.7-3.1-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-255.3 1153.7c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.6-1.9-2.7-3-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-201.4 1233.4c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.6-1.9-2.7-3-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-484 1309.8c-M
1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.6-1.9-2.7-3-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-417.7 1423.3c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.6-1.9-2.7-3-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-499.1 1421.3a9.02 9.02 0 0 0-5.8 11.3c1.5 4.7 6.6 7.3 11.3 5.8 4.7-1.5 7.3-6.6 5.8-11.3a9.02 9.02 0 0 0-11.3-5.8z"/><path d="M-526.9 1518.9c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.7-1.9-2.7-3-4.6-2.4z"/><path d="M-585.7 1455c-1.9.6-3 2.7-2.4 4.6.6 1.9 2.7 3 4.6 2.4 1.9-.6 3-2.7 2.4-4.6-.7-2M
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2.9h-26.8c-16 0-28.9 12.9-28.9 28.9 0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6h-8.5c-20.4 0-36.9 16.5-36.9 36.9v4.1c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6h-13.5c-18.1 0-32.7 14.6-32.7 32.7v4.9c0 11.2 9.1 20.3 20.3 20.3h101.8c4.6 0 7.5 4.9 5.3 9-.3.5-.5 1-.8 1.5-5.5 11.3-17 18.5-29.6 18.5h-19.7c-20.4 0-36.9 16.5-36.9 36.9v4.1c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6h-13.5c-18.1 0-32.7 14.6-32.7 32.7v4.9c0 11.2 9.1 20.3 20.3 20.3h341.1A27.6 27.6 0 0 0 1250 530v-4c0-3.8-.8-7.5-2.3-10.8h78.6a27.6 27.6 0 0 0 27.6-27.6v-12.8c-.3-14.5-12.1-27-26.6-27z"/></g>
<g class="cloud c11" fill="#b1c3f1">M
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-3.1 7-6.9 7h-2.2c-20.8 0-37.6 17.2-37.6 38.3v5.7c0 13.1 10.4 23.8 23.3 23.8H175c17.5 0 31.7-14.5 31.7-32.3V1266.4c0-6.8 5-12.5 11.5-12.5h148.7c17.5 0 31.7-14.5 31.7-32.3v-15c0-17.1-13.5-31.8-30.3-31.8z"/></g>
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1.1-.1-61.1-.1a22.9 22.9 0 0 0-22.9 22.9v6c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6h-3.9c-15 0-27.2 12.2-27.2 27.2v13.9c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6h-9.1c-14.6 0-26.4 12.5-26.4 27.1v12.8a27.6 27.6 0 0 0 27.6 27.6h138.7c-1.5 3.3-2.3 6.9-2.3 10.8v3.9a27.6 27.6 0 0 0 27.6 27.6h281.1c11.2 0 20.3-9.1 20.3-20.3V800c0-18.1-14.6-32.7-32.7-32.7H77.1c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-4.1c0-10.2-4.1-19.4-10.8-26.1H182a26.7 26.7 0 0 0 26.8-26.6v-8.6c.1-18.7-15.2-33.9-34-33.9z"/></g>
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9.8-7.2v-9.7c0-31.4 25.5-56.9 56.9-56.9h3.2c11.5 0 20.8-9.3 20.8-20.8v-1.6a58.3 58.3 0 0 1 58.3-58.3h138c33.1 0 59.9 26.8 59.9 59.9 0 11.5 9.3 20.8 20.8 20.8h45.4a36.3 36.3 0 0 1 36.3 36.3v1.6c0 9.6 6.5 17.6 15.3 20 38.1 0 79.5-.1 79.5-.1 16.5 0 29.8 13.4 29.8 29.8v7.8c0 4.3 3.5 7.8 7.8 7.8h5.1a35.4 35.4 0 0 1 35.4 35.4v18c0 4.3 3.5 7.8 7.8 7.8h11.9c18.9 0 34.3 16.3 34.3 35.3v16.7c0 19.8-16.1 35.9-35.9 35.9h-180.5c1.9 4.3 3 9 3 14v5.1c0 19.8-16.1 35.9-35.9 35.9H657.2c-14.6 0-26.4-11.8-26.4-26.4v-6.3c0-23.5 19.1-42.M
6 42.6-42.6H691c4.3 0 7.8-3.5 7.8-7.8v-5.3c0-13.2 5.4-25.2 14-33.9H554.4c-19.3 0-34.9-15.5-34.9-34.7v-11.2c0-24.3 19.9-44.1 44.4-44.1z"/></g>
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4h-12.3c-4.1 0-7.8-3.6-7.8-8.1z"/></g>
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4 12.5-27.9 27.9-27.9h34.9c8.8 0 16-7.1 16-16a46 46 0 0 1 46-46h106.1c24.7 0 44.8 20.1 44.8 44.8v1.2c0 8.8 7.1 16 16 16h2.5c24.1 0 43.7 19.6 43.7 43.7v23.5a40.1 40.1 0 0 1-40.1 40.1H259c-15 0-27.1-12.1-27.1-27.1v-4.5a30.7 30.7 0 0 1 30.7-30.7h20.3c8.8 0 15.9-7.1 15.9-15.9z"/></g>
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0 1153.9-153.3 540-153.3zm739.9 1853.1c-408.6 408.6-1071.1 408.6-1479.7 0s-408.6-1071.1 0-1479.7 1071.1-408.6 1479.7 0 408.6 1071.1 0 1479.7z"/><path d="M-199.8 220.1c-408.6 408.6-408.6 1071.1 0 1479.7s1071.1 408.6 1479.7 0 408.6-1071.1 0-1479.7-1071.1-408.6-1479.7 0zM540 1939.4C0 1939.4-439.4 1500-439.4 960S0-19.4 540-19.4c540.1 0 979.4 439.4 979.4 979.4 0 540.1-439.4 979.4-979.4 979.4z"/><path d="M540-19.4C0-19.4-439.4 420-439.4 960S0 1939.4 540 1939.4s979.4-439.3 979.4-979.4c0-540-439.3-979.4-979.4-979.4zm.1 189M
1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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8-911.7 0s-251.8-660 0-911.7 660-251.8 911.7 0 251.7 659.9 0 911.7z"/><path d="M84.1 504.2c-251.8 251.8-251.8 660 0 911.7s660 251.8 911.7 0 251.8-660 0-911.7-659.9-251.8-911.7 0zM540 1537.8c-318.6 0-577.8-259.2-577.8-577.8S221.4 382.2 540 382.2s577.8 259.2 577.8 577.8c.1 318.6-259.1 577.8-577.8 577.8z"/><path d="M540 382.2C221.4 382.2-37.8 641.4-37.8 960s259.2 577.8 577.8 577.8c318.7 0 577.9-259.2 577.8-577.8 0-318.6-259.2-577.8-577.8-577.8zm.1 1088.7c-281.7 0-510.9-229.2-510.9-510.9s229.2-510.9 510.9-510.9S1051 67M
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rcle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1593" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="20M
46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
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g.stars *:nth-child(126){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(386){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(396){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(406){anM
imation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(416){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(426){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(436){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(446){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(486){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(496){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(19){animation-delaM
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(21){animation-delay:-5.25s}
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
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" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
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" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
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"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/>M
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-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="8M
70.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="87M
0.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cM
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4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/>
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.1 691 223.9C1527.2 218.3 1720.3 567 1720.2 960c0 650.8-529.4 1180.2-1180.2 1180.2z"/><path d="M1231 3.7c-194.4-140.8-433.1-223.9-691-223.9-650.7 0-1180.1 529.4-1180.1 1180.2S-110.7 2140.2 540 2140.2c650.8 0 1180.2-529.4 1180.2-1180.2.1-393-193-741.7-489.2-956.3zM540 2073.3c-613.9 0-1113.3-499.4-1113.3-1113.3C-573.2 346.2-73.8-153.3 540-153.3c613.9 0 1113.3 499.4 1113.3 1113.3S1153.9 2073.3 540 2073.3z"/><path d="M540-153.3C-73.8-153.3-573.2 346.2-573.3 960c0 613.9 499.4 1113.3 1113.3 1113.3S1653.3 1573.9 1653.3 96M
0 1153.9-153.3 540-153.3zm739.9 1853.1c-408.6 408.6-1071.1 408.6-1479.7 0s-408.6-1071.1 0-1479.7 1071.1-408.6 1479.7 0 408.6 1071.1 0 1479.7z"/><path d="M-199.8 220.1c-408.6 408.6-408.6 1071.1 0 1479.7s1071.1 408.6 1479.7 0 408.6-1071.1 0-1479.7-1071.1-408.6-1479.7 0zM540 1939.4C0 1939.4-439.4 1500-439.4 960S0-19.4 540-19.4c540.1 0 979.4 439.4 979.4 979.4 0 540.1-439.4 979.4-979.4 979.4z"/><path d="M540-19.4C0-19.4-439.4 420-439.4 960S0 1939.4 540 1939.4s979.4-439.3 979.4-979.4c0-540-439.3-979.4-979.4-979.4zm.1 189M
1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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8-911.7 0s-251.8-660 0-911.7 660-251.8 911.7 0 251.7 659.9 0 911.7z"/><path d="M84.1 504.2c-251.8 251.8-251.8 660 0 911.7s660 251.8 911.7 0 251.8-660 0-911.7-659.9-251.8-911.7 0zM540 1537.8c-318.6 0-577.8-259.2-577.8-577.8S221.4 382.2 540 382.2s577.8 259.2 577.8 577.8c.1 318.6-259.1 577.8-577.8 577.8z"/><path d="M540 382.2C221.4 382.2-37.8 641.4-37.8 960s259.2 577.8 577.8 577.8c318.7 0 577.9-259.2 577.8-577.8 0-318.6-259.2-577.8-577.8-577.8zm.1 1088.7c-281.7 0-510.9-229.2-510.9-510.9s229.2-510.9 510.9-510.9S1051 67M
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
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46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
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954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
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" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
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1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
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954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="20M
46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
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1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
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le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
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" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/>M
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e cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="87M
0.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cM
x="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477M
.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2134.9" rM
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"3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle M
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mation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(416){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(496){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(526){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(536){animation:star2 1.5s ease-M
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g.stars *:nth-child(556){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(576){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(596){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(606){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -2s iM
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g.stars *:nth-child(626){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(86){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(96){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(106){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(16){animM
ation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(126){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(136){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(156){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(166){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(176){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(186){animation:star3 12s eaM
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g.stars *:nth-child(196){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(206){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(216){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(226){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(236){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(246){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(276){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(286){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(296){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(306){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(316){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(326){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
:nth-child(336){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(346){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(356){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(366){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(376){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(386){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(396){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(406){anM
imation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(416){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(426){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(436){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(446){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(456){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(466){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(476){animation:star3 12sM
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g.stars *:nth-child(486){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(496){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(506){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(516){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(526){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(536){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(546){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s M
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g.stars *:nth-child(566){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(596){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(616){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(15){animation-delay:-3.75s}
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(17){animation-delay:-4.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(18){animation-delay:-4.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(19){animation-delaM
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(21){animation-delay:-5.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(22){animation-delay:-5.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(23){animation-delay:-5.75s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(24){animation-delay:-6s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(25){animation-delay:-6.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(26){animation-delay:-6.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(27){animation-delay:-6.75s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(28){animation-delay:-7s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(29){animation-delay:-7.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(32){animation-delay:-8s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(33){animation-delay:-8.25s}
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(37){animation-delay:-9.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(38){animation-delay:-9.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(39){animation-delay:-9.75s}
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8.3 1051 960s-229.2 510.9-510.9 510.9z"/><path d="M540.1 449.1C258.4 449.1 29.2 678.3 29.2 960s229.2 510.9 510.9 510.9S1051 1241.7 1051 960 821.8 449.1 540.1 449.1zm0 954.8c-244.8 0-444-199.1-444-443.9S295.3 516.1 540 516.1c244.8 0 444 199.1 444 443.9s-199.1 443.9-443.9 443.9z"/><path d="M540 516.1C295.3 516.1 96.1 715.2 96.1 960s199.2 443.9 444 443.9S984 1204.8 984 960 784.8 516.1 540 516.1zm.1 820.7c-207.8 0-376.8-169-376.8-376.8s169.1-376.8 376.8-376.8c207.7 0 376.8 169.1 376.8 376.8 0 207.8-169 376.8-376.8 376.M
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e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
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le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
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" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
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" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
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"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/>M
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-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="8M
70.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circlM
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4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/>
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1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="20M
46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
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g.stars *:nth-child(396){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(406){anM
imation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(416){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(486){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
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" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
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" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
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"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/>M
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-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="8M
70.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="87M
0.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cM
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4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/>
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.1 691 223.9C1527.2 218.3 1720.3 567 1720.2 960c0 650.8-529.4 1180.2-1180.2 1180.2z"/><path d="M1231 3.7c-194.4-140.8-433.1-223.9-691-223.9-650.7 0-1180.1 529.4-1180.1 1180.2S-110.7 2140.2 540 2140.2c650.8 0 1180.2-529.4 1180.2-1180.2.1-393-193-741.7-489.2-956.3zM540 2073.3c-613.9 0-1113.3-499.4-1113.3-1113.3C-573.2 346.2-73.8-153.3 540-153.3c613.9 0 1113.3 499.4 1113.3 1113.3S1153.9 2073.3 540 2073.3z"/><path d="M540-153.3C-73.8-153.3-573.2 346.2-573.3 960c0 613.9 499.4 1113.3 1113.3 1113.3S1653.3 1573.9 1653.3 96M
0 1153.9-153.3 540-153.3zm739.9 1853.1c-408.6 408.6-1071.1 408.6-1479.7 0s-408.6-1071.1 0-1479.7 1071.1-408.6 1479.7 0 408.6 1071.1 0 1479.7z"/><path d="M-199.8 220.1c-408.6 408.6-408.6 1071.1 0 1479.7s1071.1 408.6 1479.7 0 408.6-1071.1 0-1479.7-1071.1-408.6-1479.7 0zM540 1939.4C0 1939.4-439.4 1500-439.4 960S0-19.4 540-19.4c540.1 0 979.4 439.4 979.4 979.4 0 540.1-439.4 979.4-979.4 979.4z"/><path d="M540-19.4C0-19.4-439.4 420-439.4 960S0 1939.4 540 1939.4s979.4-439.3 979.4-979.4c0-540-439.3-979.4-979.4-979.4zm.1 189M
1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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8-911.7 0s-251.8-660 0-911.7 660-251.8 911.7 0 251.7 659.9 0 911.7z"/><path d="M84.1 504.2c-251.8 251.8-251.8 660 0 911.7s660 251.8 911.7 0 251.8-660 0-911.7-659.9-251.8-911.7 0zM540 1537.8c-318.6 0-577.8-259.2-577.8-577.8S221.4 382.2 540 382.2s577.8 259.2 577.8 577.8c.1 318.6-259.1 577.8-577.8 577.8z"/><path d="M540 382.2C221.4 382.2-37.8 641.4-37.8 960s259.2 577.8 577.8 577.8c318.7 0 577.9-259.2 577.8-577.8 0-318.6-259.2-577.8-577.8-577.8zm.1 1088.7c-281.7 0-510.9-229.2-510.9-510.9s229.2-510.9 510.9-510.9S1051 67M
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
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46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
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954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
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" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
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1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
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954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="20M
46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
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1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
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le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
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" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/>M
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e cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="87M
0.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cM
x="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477M
.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2134.9" rM
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"3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle M
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g.stars *:nth-child(416){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(496){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(526){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(536){animation:star2 1.5s ease-M
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g.stars *:nth-child(556){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(596){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(606){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -2s iM
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g.stars *:nth-child(626){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(86){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(96){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(106){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(16){animM
ation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(126){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(136){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(156){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(166){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(176){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(186){animation:star3 12s eaM
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g.stars *:nth-child(196){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(206){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(216){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(226){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(236){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(246){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(276){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(286){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(296){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(306){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(316){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(326){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
:nth-child(336){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(346){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(356){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(366){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(376){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(386){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(396){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(406){anM
imation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(416){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(426){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(436){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(446){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(456){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(466){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(476){animation:star3 12sM
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g.stars *:nth-child(486){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(496){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(506){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(516){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(526){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(536){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(546){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s M
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g.stars *:nth-child(566){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(576){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(596){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(616){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(15){animation-delay:-3.75s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(16){animation-delay:-4s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(17){animation-delay:-4.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(18){animation-delay:-4.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(19){animation-delaM
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(21){animation-delay:-5.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(22){animation-delay:-5.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(23){animation-delay:-5.75s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(24){animation-delay:-6s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(25){animation-delay:-6.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(26){animation-delay:-6.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(27){animation-delay:-6.75s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(28){animation-delay:-7s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(29){animation-delay:-7.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(32){animation-delay:-8s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(33){animation-delay:-8.25s}
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(37){animation-delay:-9.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(38){animation-delay:-9.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(39){animation-delay:-9.75s}
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8.3 1051 960s-229.2 510.9-510.9 510.9z"/><path d="M540.1 449.1C258.4 449.1 29.2 678.3 29.2 960s229.2 510.9 510.9 510.9S1051 1241.7 1051 960 821.8 449.1 540.1 449.1zm0 954.8c-244.8 0-444-199.1-444-443.9S295.3 516.1 540 516.1c244.8 0 444 199.1 444 443.9s-199.1 443.9-443.9 443.9z"/><path d="M540 516.1C295.3 516.1 96.1 715.2 96.1 960s199.2 443.9 444 443.9S984 1204.8 984 960 784.8 516.1 540 516.1zm.1 820.7c-207.8 0-376.8-169-376.8-376.8s169.1-376.8 376.8-376.8c207.7 0 376.8 169.1 376.8 376.8 0 207.8-169 376.8-376.8 376.M
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e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
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le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
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" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
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" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
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"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/>M
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-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="8M
70.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circlM
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4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/>
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1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="20M
46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
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g.stars *:nth-child(396){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(406){anM
imation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(416){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(486){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
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" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
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" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
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"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/>M
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-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="8M
70.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="87M
0.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cM
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4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/>
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.1 691 223.9C1527.2 218.3 1720.3 567 1720.2 960c0 650.8-529.4 1180.2-1180.2 1180.2z"/><path d="M1231 3.7c-194.4-140.8-433.1-223.9-691-223.9-650.7 0-1180.1 529.4-1180.1 1180.2S-110.7 2140.2 540 2140.2c650.8 0 1180.2-529.4 1180.2-1180.2.1-393-193-741.7-489.2-956.3zM540 2073.3c-613.9 0-1113.3-499.4-1113.3-1113.3C-573.2 346.2-73.8-153.3 540-153.3c613.9 0 1113.3 499.4 1113.3 1113.3S1153.9 2073.3 540 2073.3z"/><path d="M540-153.3C-73.8-153.3-573.2 346.2-573.3 960c0 613.9 499.4 1113.3 1113.3 1113.3S1653.3 1573.9 1653.3 96M
0 1153.9-153.3 540-153.3zm739.9 1853.1c-408.6 408.6-1071.1 408.6-1479.7 0s-408.6-1071.1 0-1479.7 1071.1-408.6 1479.7 0 408.6 1071.1 0 1479.7z"/><path d="M-199.8 220.1c-408.6 408.6-408.6 1071.1 0 1479.7s1071.1 408.6 1479.7 0 408.6-1071.1 0-1479.7-1071.1-408.6-1479.7 0zM540 1939.4C0 1939.4-439.4 1500-439.4 960S0-19.4 540-19.4c540.1 0 979.4 439.4 979.4 979.4 0 540.1-439.4 979.4-979.4 979.4z"/><path d="M540-19.4C0-19.4-439.4 420-439.4 960S0 1939.4 540 1939.4s979.4-439.3 979.4-979.4c0-540-439.3-979.4-979.4-979.4zm.1 189M
1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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8-911.7 0s-251.8-660 0-911.7 660-251.8 911.7 0 251.7 659.9 0 911.7z"/><path d="M84.1 504.2c-251.8 251.8-251.8 660 0 911.7s660 251.8 911.7 0 251.8-660 0-911.7-659.9-251.8-911.7 0zM540 1537.8c-318.6 0-577.8-259.2-577.8-577.8S221.4 382.2 540 382.2s577.8 259.2 577.8 577.8c.1 318.6-259.1 577.8-577.8 577.8z"/><path d="M540 382.2C221.4 382.2-37.8 641.4-37.8 960s259.2 577.8 577.8 577.8c318.7 0 577.9-259.2 577.8-577.8 0-318.6-259.2-577.8-577.8-577.8zm.1 1088.7c-281.7 0-510.9-229.2-510.9-510.9s229.2-510.9 510.9-510.9S1051 67M
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
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46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
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954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
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" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
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1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
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954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="20M
46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
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1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
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le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
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" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/>M
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e cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="87M
0.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cM
x="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477M
.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2134.9" rM
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"3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle M
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mation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(416){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(496){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(526){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(536){animation:star2 1.5s ease-M
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g.stars *:nth-child(556){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(576){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(596){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(606){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out -2s iM
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g.stars *:nth-child(626){animation:star2 1.5s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(86){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(96){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(106){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(16){animM
ation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(126){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(136){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(156){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(166){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(176){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(186){animation:star3 12s eaM
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g.stars *:nth-child(196){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(206){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(216){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(226){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(236){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(246){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(276){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(286){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(296){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(306){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(316){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(326){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
:nth-child(336){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(346){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(356){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(366){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(376){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(386){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(396){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(406){anM
imation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(416){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(426){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(436){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(446){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(456){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(466){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(476){animation:star3 12sM
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g.stars *:nth-child(486){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(496){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(506){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(516){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(526){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(536){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(546){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s M
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g.stars *:nth-child(566){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(596){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(616){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(15){animation-delay:-3.75s}
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(17){animation-delay:-4.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(18){animation-delay:-4.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(19){animation-delaM
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(21){animation-delay:-5.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(22){animation-delay:-5.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(23){animation-delay:-5.75s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(24){animation-delay:-6s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(25){animation-delay:-6.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(26){animation-delay:-6.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(27){animation-delay:-6.75s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(28){animation-delay:-7s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(29){animation-delay:-7.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(32){animation-delay:-8s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(33){animation-delay:-8.25s}
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(37){animation-delay:-9.25s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(38){animation-delay:-9.5s}
g.rings2 *:nth-child(39){animation-delay:-9.75s}
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8.3 1051 960s-229.2 510.9-510.9 510.9z"/><path d="M540.1 449.1C258.4 449.1 29.2 678.3 29.2 960s229.2 510.9 510.9 510.9S1051 1241.7 1051 960 821.8 449.1 540.1 449.1zm0 954.8c-244.8 0-444-199.1-444-443.9S295.3 516.1 540 516.1c244.8 0 444 199.1 444 443.9s-199.1 443.9-443.9 443.9z"/><path d="M540 516.1C295.3 516.1 96.1 715.2 96.1 960s199.2 443.9 444 443.9S984 1204.8 984 960 784.8 516.1 540 516.1zm.1 820.7c-207.8 0-376.8-169-376.8-376.8s169.1-376.8 376.8-376.8c207.7 0 376.8 169.1 376.8 376.8 0 207.8-169 376.8-376.8 376.M
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e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
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le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
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" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
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" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
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"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/>M
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-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="8M
70.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circlM
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4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/>
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1.9c-503.2 0-912.5-409.4-912.5-912.5S36.9 47.5 540.1 47.5s912.5 409.4 912.5 912.5c0 503.2-409.4 912.5-912.5 912.5z"/><path d="M540.1 47.5C36.9 47.5-372.4 456.9-372.4 960s409.3 912.5 912.5 912.5c503.1 0 912.5-409.3 912.5-912.5 0-503.1-409.3-912.5-912.5-912.5zm-.1 1758c-466.2 0-845.5-379.3-845.5-845.5S73.8 114.5 540 114.5s845.6 379.3 845.6 845.5-379.3 845.5-845.6 845.5z"/><path d="M540 114.5c-466.2 0-845.5 379.3-845.5 845.5S73.8 1805.5 540 1805.5c466.3 0 845.6-379.3 845.6-845.5S1006.2 114.5 540 114.5zm0 1624.1c-429.3M
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"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32M
.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="20M
46.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><cM
ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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ircle cx="1293.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1M
954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cM
y="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="195M
4.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><ciM
rcle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7M
" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><cirM
cle cx="-1612.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257M
.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2M
692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"M
/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" M
cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1477.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-1297.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-936" r="71.7M
"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
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g.stars *:nth-child(126){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(386){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(396){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(406){anM
imation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(416){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -2s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(426){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -6s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(436){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(446){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out 0s infinite}
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g.stars *:nth-child(486){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -3s infinite}
g.stars *:nth-child(496){animation:star3 12s ease-in-out -1s infinite}
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(19){animation-delaM
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g.rings2 *:nth-child(21){animation-delay:-5.25s}
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g.rings2 *:nth-childM
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e cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="M
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" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="M
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" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" M
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"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-755.M
4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-1116.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-936" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-755.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-574.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-394M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-394" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="-213.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2134.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="2315.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2496.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="2676.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3"M
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x="647.6" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3218.8" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="2857.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3038.3" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3218.8" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="3399.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="3580" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="3580" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="123M
1.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3230.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3338.1" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3122.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/>
<g class="circles2">
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y="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1M
231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="217.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="324.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="109.6" cy="1231M
.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="647.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="862.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1078.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="970.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="755.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="539.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="432.4"M
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046.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/>M
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38.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1723.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1938.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2154.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2046.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1831.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1508.6" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1616.1" cy="1954.4" r="7M
1.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1293.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1400.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="1185.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" M
cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circM
le cx="-966.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1231.6" r=M
"71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-428.6M
" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-213.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-105.8" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-320.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-643.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-536.3" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-859.1" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-751.4" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1412.4" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1074.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-966.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="M
-1612.4" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1051M
" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1181.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1397.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1719.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1612.4" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1935.2" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1504.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1289.6" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/>M
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-1935.2" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-1827.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="8M
70.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2150.4" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2042.7" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="-2257.9" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circlM
e cx="2907.6" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="-32.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="328.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="147.9" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="509.1" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="689.7" r="71M
.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="689.7" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="870.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1051" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2477.1" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="87M
0.5" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2261.9" cy="1231.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2799.9" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="3015" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2907.6" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1593" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2584.7" cy="1773.6" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2692.2" cy="1954.4" r="71.7"/><circle cx="2369.4" cy="1412.4" r="71.7"/><circle cM
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4 3.7 3.7 0 1 1 0-7.4z"/>
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/ViaBTC/Mined by msk25/,
g/ Pool/
/ViaBTC/Mined by wau777/,
  "op": "token-mint",
  "tick": "tapswap-v2",
  "dta": "{\"op\":\"swapBtc\",\"tick\":\"dmt-nat\",\"des\":0.000000000000310336,\"slip\":0.03,\"addr\":\"bc1q0m9jqng8wd78m0fjhds40rsrnpqhrd0hugz322\",\"fee\":6500}"
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint JAYZTT.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size: 5Lzvw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>JAYZTT.blife</div> </body>h!
  "op": "token-transfer",
  "amt": "3000.000000000000000000",
  "dta": "{\"op\":\"swap\",\"desA\":0.000000342322609678,\"slipA\":0.05}"
>{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"tst  ","amt":"30000000"}h!
;{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"RSK ","amt":"150000"}h!
>{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"tst  ","amt":"30000000"}h!
/ViaBTC/Mined by taher56/,
;{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"RSK ","amt":"500000"}h!
;{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"RSK ","amt":"500000"}h!
;{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"RSK ","amt":"500000"}h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint TEMUODIN.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size:L~ 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>TEMUODIN.blife</div> </body>h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint DEGENTRALIZD.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sL
ize: 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>DEGENTRALIZD.blife</div> </body>h!
/ViaBTC/Mined by tmp0737/,
(Promotion of Valor Certificate)h!
(Honorable Discharge Certificate)h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint DOGMOON.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size: L|5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>DOGMOON.blife</div> </body>h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint SOAKMYDECK.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sizL
e: 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>SOAKMYDECK.blife</div> </body>h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint HYAIPE.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size: 5Lzvw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>HYAIPE.blife</div> </body>h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint ROCKIEROCKIE.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sL
ize: 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>ROCKIEROCKIE.blife</div> </body>h!
:{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"RSK ","amt":"80000"}h!
g/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/H
g/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/J
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint EXITLIQUIDITY1.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; fontL
-size: 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>EXITLIQUIDITY1.blife</div> </body>h!
Christina Bitcoin Mining
g| MARA Made in USA
Mined by AntPool874:
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint UNITED.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size: 5Lzvw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>UNITED.blife</div> </body>h!
g| MARA Made in USA
?j=from:1.784751SOL:2Hq4UzakAWqU5svqPG7YA3otNSchjw6EbDKN8kCJrNhs	=n
(Promotion of Valor Certificate)h!
(Honorable Discharge Certificate)h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint TUYETNHI.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size:L~ 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>TUYETNHI.blife</div> </body>h!
!    Mined by Secpool    p
Magic Power : Magic Power is an integrated system in which a collective of general-purpose nanomachines (Snitch) autonomously performs material manipulation in accordance with execution commands sent from the cloud. It operates by receiving user input in the form of voice spells, various environmental and biometric sensor data, and even information regarding behavior and interpersonal relationships; these inputs are quantitatively evaluated using a quants measurement method to objectively ascertain the user's innerM
 state and to classify usage rights into "Magic Clan" and "Non-Magic Clan." In addition to traditional ground-based functions, Magic Power is designed as a comprehensive system that also envisions applications in extreme environments such as rocket propulsion in space and advanced energy supply using nuclear fusion. Its purpose is to reflect user-issued spells and commands in real-time physical changes
such as repair, creation, or transformation
thereby delivering an experience that transcends conventional bounM
daries of "magic." It further quantifies the user's inner aspects (including mental state, creativity, interpersonal relationships, and social contributions) by measuring biometric indicators like serotonin levels, heart rate variability, and skin conductance along with behavioral data, then flexibly controlling available functions based on these evaluations. Defined within the system, "Magic Power" is the overall system that, under cloud commands, directs a cooperative operation of Snitch units to convert user inpM
uts into physical operations; Snitch refers to each general-purpose nanomachine unit endowed with functions such as self-repair, environmental adaptation, material reinforcement, microfabrication, movement/propulsion, communication, and energy management; and the terms "Magic Clan" and "Non-Magic Clan" are determined by quantitatively evaluating a user's inner state (using biometric indicators such as serotonin levels, analysis of words and actions, as well as assessments of interpersonal relationships and social cM
ontributions) via a quants measurement method, where users exceeding a predetermined threshold are designated as Magic Clan and granted full functionality, while those below receive only limited features. The functional requirements of Magic Power are organized into several abstract integrated modules that operate seamlessly together: firstly, the Physical Operation Function enables each Snitch to autonomously execute self-repair, environmental adaptation, and material reinforcement, as well as to reconstruct partsM
 or generate new materials through nano 3D printing; secondly, the Movement and Propulsion Function allows multiple units to cooperate in drone-like operations, enabling terrestrial movement and, in space environments, orbital changes and propulsion maneuvers
with integration into rocket propulsion systems for interplanetary travel or satellite orbital control; thirdly, the Communication and Sensing Function establishes secure, low-latency, bidirectional communication between the wand-type device and the cloud usM
ing TLS and quantum key distribution technologies, while each Snitch, equipped with a range of sensors (for temperature, humidity, pressure, radiation, microgravity, and biometric indicators), acquires real-time environmental and user status data; fourthly, the Energy Management Function integrates traditional renewable energy management with nuclear fusion energy generation and control techniques adapted for space operations, autonomously managing energy storage and efficient distribution to ensure stable supply tM
o each unit; and fifthly, the Evaluation and Control Function quantifies the user's biometric indicators (such as serotonin levels, heart rate variability, and skin conductance) along with behavioral and verbal data using a quants measurement method, applies statistical weighting to each evaluation item, and calculates a comprehensive score that, based on a preset threshold, autonomously classifies the user into Magic Clan or Non-Magic Clan, thereby granting either full or limited access to Magic Power functions. TM
echnically, the realization of Magic Power depends on advanced manufacturing technologies and material engineering for high-precision nanoscale production to support the complex structure and multifunctionality of Snitch units; an integrated sensor network to accurately collect diverse data (including temperature, humidity, pressure, radiation, microgravity, and serotonin levels); a high-speed, secure communication system utilizing encryption techniques (such as TLS and quantum key distribution) to enable bidirectiM
onal communication between the wand-type device and the cloud; autonomous control and evaluation algorithms that numerically quantify various data, apply statistical weighting, and perform threshold determinations to manage both user inner-state evaluation and Snitch control; and energy generation and storage technologies that combine conventional renewable energy systems with next-generation energy management including nuclear fusion technology. The overall system structure of Magic Power is comprised of several mM
ajor modules that manage all functions integratively: an Input and Evaluation Module consolidates user voice spells, behavioral data, and various biometric and environmental sensor data to perform quantitative evaluation using the quants measurement method and to determine the user's classification (Magic Clan/Non-Magic Clan) based on the evaluation results; a Physical Operation Module is the control system through which the Snitch collective autonomously executes functions such as self-repair, environmental adaptaM
tion, material reinforcement, nano 3D printing, as well as drone and propulsion functions; a Communication and Integration Module ensures secure and low-latency data exchange between the wand-type device, the cloud, and among internal modules; an Energy and Propulsion Module integrates the generation, storage, and distribution of renewable and nuclear fusion energy to achieve stable operations on both terrestrial and space environments; and an Auxiliary AI Support Module is implemented across design, development, pM
rototyping, integration, mass production, and operational phases to optimize processes and autonomously solve issues using supportive AIs (such as Design Document Creation AI, Development Support AI, Mass Production Support AI, and Function Expansion Support AI). The development and integration strategy for Magic Power is based on a phased, integrated approach: initially documenting the basic specifications of each component (Snitch, wand-type device, and nano 3D printer) as abstract concepts with support from desiM
gn document creation AI; followed by a development phase where dedicated development AIs individually implement the physical operation, movement and propulsion, communication and sensing, energy management, and evaluation control functions, with higher-level development support AIs and AI Creation AIs introduced to autonomously generate abstract solutions to technical challenges; then a prototyping, evaluation, and integration phase where Snitch prototypes are produced via nano 3D printing and each module is evaluaM
ted, and specialized integration support AIs are used during connectivity tests to optimize communication and operational synchronization; subsequently, a mass production and practical application phase establishes the mass production system for Snitch units and wand-type devices, employing Mass Production Support AI to automate and enhance efficiency, and through demonstration experiments, verifies overall system stability, reliability, and safety with the aim of final societal implementation; and finally, future M
functional expansion is envisioned where, once the foundational system is established, a Function Expansion Support AI will flexibly integrate cutting-edge energy technologies, propulsion systems, and novel sensor data analysis methods to promote continued system evolution. In terms of security and operational management, Magic Power implements Zero-Trust authentication based on biometric data (including facial, fingerprint, and physiological indicators like serotonin levels) and authentication tokens; employs encrM
yption for all communications between the cloud, the wand-type device, and each Snitch using TLS and quantum key distribution technologies; and features continuous real-time monitoring across the system with automatic recovery processes triggered upon anomaly detection. Looking toward future expansion, Magic Power is designed to extend its applications into space environments through integration with new energy generation and propulsion technologies, to enhance the accuracy of inner-state evaluation and classificatMn
ion (Magic Clan/Non-Magic Clan) via advanced quants measurement methods, to achieve autonomous optimization and rapid problem resolution across design, development, mass production, integration, and operational phases through evolving support AIs, and to incorporate novel sensor data and big data analysis techniques for dynamic and flexible system reconfiguration.h!
  "op": "token-mint",
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Bitcoin Cyborgs 10K #410jattributes
jtrait_typejBackgroundevaluelPinky Orange
jtrait_typeeShirtevaluemOrange Hippie
jtrait_typedHatsevaluehGold Cap
jtrait_typeeHandsevalueiChoc Milk
Bitcoin Cyborgs 10K #411jattributes
jtrait_typedHeadevaluemRed War Paint
jtrait_typedHatsevaluenWatermelon Cap
jtrait_typedEyesevaluei3D Shades
Bitcoin Cyborgs 10K #409jattributes
jtrait_typedEyesevaluenQuantum Shades
jtrait_typeeHandsevalueiChoc Milk
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint USERRRRRRRRR.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sL
ize: 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>USERRRRRRRRR.blife</div> </body>h!
<{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"TST  ","amt":"390000"}h!
g/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/4
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(Promotion of Valor Certificate)h!
(Honorable Discharge Certificate)h!
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint TRINHTRINH.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sizL
e: 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>TRINHTRINH.blife</div> </body>h!
Android UP1A.231005.007.S928U1UES4AYA1
Android UP1A.231005.007.S928U1UES4AYA1

 Brand awareness in everyday transactions.
 Brand awareness in everyday transactions.d
 Brand awareness in everyday transactions.
 Brand awareness in everyday transactions.
3{"p":"brc-20","op":"mint","tick":" MASK","amt":"1"}h!
     Mined by Secpool    p
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint SVDUBZ.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size: 5Lzvw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>SVDUBZ.blife</div> </body>h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint MOOONBEAN.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sizeL
: 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>MOOONBEAN.blife</div> </body>h!
;{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"RSK ","amt":"350000"}h!
etitlepCelestial Dividejattributes
fartistlMichael BudafcamerajSony a6000dlenswE 55-210mm F4.5-6.3 OSShlocationlDeath Valleyjyear_takend2024
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic 14.2 (Macintosh)
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(Promotion of Valor Certificate)h!
(Honorable Discharge Certificate)h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint TUNGTUNG.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size:L~ 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>TUNGTUNG.blife</div> </body>h!
;{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"RSK ","amt":"120000"}h!
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint ODINCAT.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size: L|5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>ODINCAT.blife</div> </body>h!
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g/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
g/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint WINWIN.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size: 5Lzvw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>WINWIN.blife</div> </body>h!
<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint SHUNVUALIDON.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-sL
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<!DOCTYPE html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>Proof of mint HYHYHUAN.blife - Blife ID</title> <style> body { margin: 0; padding: 66vh 0 0 0; box-sizing: border-box; height: 100vh; width: 100%; background: url('/content/ffa7d4fab06f1af4f242e2a1c1dac34b27c06075b3b2cb3eb54e50e41a612debi0') no-repeat center/contain, url('/content/9c7c72e314e9d4183c734a1368bc47007e8d837f205549efeb526a5030230db2i0') center/cover; color: #fff; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; text-transform: uppercase; text-align: center; font-size:L~ 5vw; text-shadow: 2px 2px 4px #000000cc; overflow-wrap: anywhere; } </style> </head> <body> <div>HYHYHUAN.blife</div> </body>h!
;{"p":"brc-20","op":"transfer","tick":"18MM ","amt":"11000"}h!
dnameqOrdiMutants #1946
dnameqOrdiMutants #1702
dnamepOrdiMutants #786

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