Bitcoin blockchain is a decentralized database which main purpose is to secure and hold all Bitcoin transactions. Blockchain can be used to store other data too.
The first message in the blockchain is written in the very first block, by Satoshi Nakamoto,
the creator of Bitcoin.
Satoshis message in the first block is
“The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks”
Tens of thousands of people using a full Bitcoin client, like Bitcoin Core, are storing this same data on their computers.
A Linux command 'strings -n 20' is used to parse the blockchain data. This sometimes causes some random letters to appear in the messages.
This site is made by Anduck, Jan 4th 2014
e-mail: anduck<a_t>anduck<d_o_t>net
tip jar: 1STRsvMLcqb9PX4eijEVJ5C8fEno1sShi
This site reveals the blockchain in words. Author of this site takes no responsibility for the content shown.
Last updated at Feb 7th 2025.