File: blk03495.txt

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Mined by AntPool964K
d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
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/ViaBTC/Mined by alterm/,
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<6 Aquamarine Tie Dye Scumbag Black Bunny Ears Bored Unshaven
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/ViaBTC/Mined by mbtc69dc/,
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/ViaBTC/Mined by mehdiooo/,
Mined by AntPool964K
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d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
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d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
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d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
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d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
  "title": "AI: How Bitcoin Ordinal Inscriptions can protect free speech",
  "author": "AI - Inquired by DEGEN NEWS",
  "body": "Bitcoin ordinal inscriptions can protect free speech by allowing users to create and share uncensorable content. Ordinals inscriptions are permanent and tamper-proof, meaning that once a message or file is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This makes it an ideal tool for individuals and organizations looking to distribute informatM
ion without fear of censorship or suppression.\n\n\nAs for @DegenerateNews, they can champion the cause of free speech by leveraging the power of Bitcoin ordinal inscriptions to create and share content that might otherwise be banned or censored on traditional social media platforms. By using the blockchain to distribute their content, @DegenerateNews can ensure that their message reaches its intended audience without being suppressed or silenced by oppressive authorities or tech companies."
d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
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nt-size="2.5px" font-weight="400" xlink:href="#g" xml:space="preserve">The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks</textPath></text> <path id="f" d="m9 50a46 46.5 0 0 1 91.5 0" fill="none"/> <text fill="#946300" text-anchor="middle"><textPath class="a" startOffset="50%" xlink:href="#f" xml:space="preserve">BLOCK 786   SAT 3930503078220   JANUARY 2009</textPath></text> <g transform="scale(0.05)translate(800,600)" fill="#db9300" filter="drop-shadow(0px 15px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.4))"> <path d="MM
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nt-size="2.5px" font-weight="400" xlink:href="#g" xml:space="preserve">The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks</textPath></text> <path id="f" d="m9 50a46 46.5 0 0 1 91.5 0" fill="none"/> <text fill="#946300" text-anchor="middle"><textPath class="a" startOffset="50%" xlink:href="#f" xml:space="preserve">BLOCK 786   SAT 3930503078320   JANUARY 2009</textPath></text> <g transform="scale(0.05)translate(800,600)" fill="#db9300" filter="drop-shadow(0px 15px 0px rgb(0 0 0 / 0.4))"> <path d="MM
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/ViaBTC/Mined by md9877/,
#j![2020-09-01] Hello, WanChain ...
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d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
  "name": "8kk.sats",
d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
"3 %  % 3-7,),7-Q@88@Q^OJO^qeeq
"3 %  % 3-7,),7-Q@88@Q^OJO^qeeq
  "title": "AI: How Bitcoin Ordinal Inscriptions can protect free speech",
  "author": "AI - Inquired by DEGEN NEWS",
  "body": "Bitcoin ordinal inscriptions can protect free speech by allowing users to create and share uncensorable content. Ordinals inscriptions are permanent and tamper-proof, meaning that once a message or file is recorded on the blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This makes it an ideal tool for individuals and organizations looking to distribute informatM
ion without fear of censorship or suppression.\n\n\nAs for @DegenerateNews, they can champion the cause of free speech by leveraging the power of Bitcoin ordinal inscriptions to create and share content that might otherwise be banned or censored on traditional social media platforms. By using the blockchain to distribute their content, @DegenerateNews can ensure that their message reaches its intended audience without being suppressed or silenced by oppressive authorities or tech companies."
d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
  "title": "Did The Government Start A Global Financial Crisis In An Attempt To Destroy Crypto?",
  "url": "",
  "author": "Nic Carter (@nic__carter)",
  "body": "_Six weeks ago, Pirate Wires published Nic Carter
s explosive [Operation Chokepoint 2.0](, laying out the case that the Biden Administration was quietly attempting to ban crypto. A month later, the US financial system was thrM
ust into chaos after a series of historic bank failures, most notable among them Silicon Valley Bank. But the failures actually began a couple days earlier, after crypto-friendly Silvergate was targeted by the government. By the end of the following weekend the last-remaining crypto-friendly bank, Signature, was shut down under circumstances still unclear, and for some reason largely unreported._\n\n_In a bombshell new feature for Pirate Wires, Nic Carter returns: today, the entire global financial system teeters oM
n the brink of a disaster created by the Fed._\n\n_-Solana_\n\n\n\n[](,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\n\n![](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\n*Getty Images / Bill Clark*\nM
\nA bank run that began with a small Californian regional bank has now escalated into a worldwide crisis. As a response to the failures of Silvergate, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature, the Federal Reserve prepared a veritable bazooka of new funding for financial institutions and reversed its plans to contract the money supply. Switzerland is busy negotiating the merger of two of its largest banking institutions, UBS and Credit Suisse. This represents the biggest challenge to financial stability since the Great FiM
08 and a sea change in the structure of US banking. Attention has rightly been focused on the prospect of further runs and the knock-on effects of Fed policy on banking institutions.\n\nBut lost amidst the chaos is another subplot: the escalating crackdown by the Federal government against a wholly legal US industry. A month ago, I [warned]( that banks dealing with crypto clients were facing a concerted effort on the part of regulators and supervM
isors to redline the entire crypto space. What has happened since was utterly shocking. The two most crypto-focused banks, Silvergate and Signature, were forced into liquidation and receivership, respectively. The established narrative is that they made
 and lost, or that they couldn
t handle flighty depositors in the form of tech and crypto startups.\n\nBut there
s an alternative version of events being pieced together that is far more sinister
 and convincing. It appears that these banks, espM
ecially Signature, were the victims of an opportunistic campaign to decapitate banks serving the crypto industry. Not only was the bank run opportunistically exploited by regulators to shut down Signature, but it may even trace its origins to Choke Point 2.0. Did the Biden Administration actually instigate the now-global bank run as part of a grievance campaign against the crypto space? If so, this represents a colossal scandal, and one that the Biden administration must be made to answer for.\n\nThe preponderance M
of public evidence suggests that Silvergate and Signature didn
 they were executed.\n\n----------\n\nIn January 2023, it became clear that a new chapter had opened up in the Biden admin
s war on crypto. Some in the crypto space noticed highly coordinated activity between the White House, financial regulators, and the Fed, aimed at dissuading banks from dealing with crypto clients, making it far more difficult for the industry to operate. This is problematic because it represented an attempteM
d seizure of power far beyond what is normally reserved for the executive branch.\n\nThese warnings were echoed by members of Congress like [Sen. Hagerty](, [Rep. Davidson](, and [Whip Emmer]( Subsequent efforts were made in a [House hearing]( to determinM
e whether the regulatory harassment is legal.\n\nIt wasn
t just banking regulators either. In the last month, regulatory attempts to kneecap the crypto industry in the US escalated dramatically:\n\n-   The SEC [announced a lawsuit]( against the crypto infrastructure company Paxos for issuing the BUSD stablecoin.\n    \n-   Crypto exchange Kraken settled with the SEC for offering a staking product.\n    \n-   SEC ChairM
 Gensler [openly labeled]( every cryptoasset other than Bitcoin a security.\n    \n-   The Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works held a hearing lambasting Bitcoin for its environmental footprint.\n    \n-   The Biden admin proposed a bill that singles out crypto miners for onerous tax treatment.\n    \n-   The NY Attorney General [declared](
neral-sues-crypto-exchange-kucoin-alleges-ether-is-a-security/) Ethereum, the second-largest cryptoasset, a security.\n    \n-   The SEC continued its anti-consumer protection efforts by doubling down on their attempts to block a spot Bitcoin ETF in court as well as trying to stop Binance US from buying the assets of the bankrupt Voyager.\n    \n-   The OCC let crypto bank Protego
s application for a national trust charter [expire]( without approval.\n    \n-   The SM
EC sent Coinbase a [Wells Notice](, indicating its intent to bring enforcement actions against them for a variety of their business lines.\n    \n\nMost worryingly though, the situation for existing crypto-facing banks has gone from precarious to critical. In January, we already knew that banks were effectively barred from issuing stablecoins on a public blockchain, from holding cryptoassets directly, and were heavily discouM
raged from servicing crypto clients. We know now that regulators had verbally guided crypto-friendly banks in November to reduce their exposure to crypto firms to 15 percent of deposits, even though this was never made explicit in written policy (in practice, this means maintaining a ratio below 10 percent, to accommodate fluctuations in deposits).\n\nAny bank foolhardy enough to onboard crypto-focused firms would find itself buried in a mountain of paperwork and faced with unpleasant interrogations from regulatorsM
. Additionally, the Fed made it abundantly clear that new crypto-focused bank charters like that of Custodia (a fully reserved model, immune to bank runs!) would be denied, which is exactly what happened at the end of January. Banking crypto firms wasn
t prohibited, just rendered extremely expensive and reputationally risky.\n\nOver the last two weeks however, a bank run
 initially encouraged and celebrated by progressives members of Congress
 escalated into a full-blown banking crisis, forcing the Fed to sM
tep in and guarantee deposits at the banks in crisis. Once the dust had cleared, three banks were no more: Silvergate, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), and Signature. Silvergate announced on March 8th its intention to wind down its operations in an orderly manner. That same week, SVB and Signature were put into FDIC receivership by the California Department of Financial Protection and Innovation and the New York Department of Financial Services (NYDFS), respectively, on Sunday night. The Fed stepped in, guaranteeing depoM
sits at the imperiled banks, and creating a facility whereby extant banks could borrow against assets at par that were trading at discounted valuations. This largely halted the slide, although I do expect that we will see a slow bleed out of community banks and significant consolidation in the financial sector over the next year. There
s no reason any longer to place deposits in the hands of a smaller community bank that is vulnerable to runs, especially given Janet Yellen
s unsettling [admission](https://twittM that the Treasury would only step in to support large,
 institutions. Now, depositors are fleeing to the largest banking institutions, money market funds, or simply holding Treasuries directly. Whether intentional or not, these policies will cause smaller banks to die off, making credit more scarce, reducing competitiveness in the bank sector, and making it easier to set policy by marshaling a few large banks for political ends.\n\nIt's worth briefly eM
xamining why some of these banks were distressed in the first place. This has been ably covered [elsewhere](, but the ultimate cause is simple enough to diagnose. The US government has been engaged in massive deficit spending in recent years, particularly in the context of Covid and the stopgap measures such as the CARES act, rivaling spending levels reached during WWII. This fiscal impulse predictably manifested as the highest inflation since M
the 80s, requiring the Fed to mechanically raise rates
 extraordinarily rapidly
 in order to bring inflation back down in line with its mandate. Mathematically, high rates cause bonds to depreciate, especially longer-dated ones. As a result, the performance of government bond portfolios last year, which serve as the foundational collateral asset of the financial system, was the worst in [recorded history]( US banks held a lot of these bonds, and cM
ollectively suffered $620B in unrealized losses as a consequence.\n\nJim Bianco biancoresearch.eth @biancoresearch:\n\n> The total return of the 30-year Treasury bond was a 15.66% LOSS in the\n> first quarter. With data going back to 1976, this marks the worst\n> quarter on record for the long bond. (1/3)\n> \n> ![Image](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\n> \n> [](
status/1377646055089532928)\n> \n> 3:36 PM
 Apr 1, 2021\n\nThis became a problem when some of these banks started to suffer outflows, forcing them to lock in these unrealized losses. Some of these banks realized their predicament, and as they took measures to raise capital, the market realized that they were impaired, and depositors fled, causing an escalating crisis. Since depositors are unsecured creditors with no upside and high downside, the rational move in a bank run is to pull your funds first and ask latM
er, and this is what happened.\n\nThe bank run isn
t worth dwelling on, aside from making the point that catalysts should not be confused with ultimate causes. VCs (correctly) [telling their startups]( to reduce their SVB exposure were not the _cause_ of the SVB run. (Shouting
 in a movie theater isn
t morally blameworthy when there really is a fire.) Nor were the
 made by SVB leadership (their portfolio was completely orM
dinary, and raised no red flags among their regulators or ratings agencies).
Systemic risks introduced by crypto
t the cause either, as all of the affected banks had survived the 2022 crypto market selloff and were still in business as of Q1 2023. Nor was [loosening of Dodd-Frank]( coverage of regional banks, as the 2022 Federal Reserve stress test
severely adverse scenarioM
 did not contemplate a 25 percent annual drop in the price of long term Treasuries. The ultimate cause of the collapses was not [Peter Thiel](, [David Sacks](, or a loosening of Dodd-Frank, but rather the massive spending spree of the Trump and Biden admins and the resultant inflation, which forced the Fed to hike rates dM
ramatically.\n\n\n\n## **Part I: Did Silvergate Die By Suicide Or Murder?**\n\n[](,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\n\n![](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\n*Getty Images / BM
loomberg*\n\nAfter suffering irrecoverable setbacks, crypto-friendly bank Silvergate announced in early March its intent to wind down its operations in an orderly manner. As we know, the bank
s announcement called attention to the much broader and widespread problem of losses in bank held-to-maturity portfolios, catalyzing a massive bank run which brought down SVB and Signature (more on them later), and spread to Europe, dooming megabanks like Credit Suisse. But let
s dwell on Silvergate for a bit.\n\nPlenty ofM
 analysts have already [explained in detail]( how exactly Silvergate met its demise. In short, it accepted deposits from crypto firms, plowed those deposits into bonds with long maturities when rates were low, suffered a loss on those bonds when rates rose, and were forced to realize those losses when their crypto clients demanded their money back, all at once. The combination of rising rates and the selloff in crypto M
 which caused clients to withdraw en masse
 was too much to bear. And this is a perfectly suitable mechanical explanation of how Silvergate was forced to close down and voluntarily liquidate.\n\nBut there
s also a political subtext here. Most banks are now sitting on mark-to-market losses in their bond portfolios, but they
re not facing runs from their clients. And indeed, Silvergate managed to survive a 70 percent [redemption](
o-bank-silvergate-lays-off-181-amid-run-on-deposits-last-quarter) of client assets over the course of 2022 before they were wiped out in 2023. Silvergate met its end because
 well after the crypto credit crisis of
 its remaining depositors were cajoled and bullied into withdrawing their funds.\n\nDepositors don
t just desert banks abruptly. They need a good reason to. In this case, a combination of targeted regulatory pressure and political bullying did the trick. Here
\n\nFirst, Silvergate was in a fundamentally fragile position because banks were being dissuaded from engaging with crypto by regulators. As a consequence, crypto firms had few other choices with regards to crypto banking, so Silvergate
 as the main crypto-friendly bank
 was flooded with their deposits. This structural vulnerability was the direct result of the harassment levied by regulators against banks daring to service crypto clients. Ordinarily, an industry would be served by a wide variety of banks, reM
ducing the exposure of any given bank to the sector. But because banks have generally been discouraged from touching crypto, deposits crowded into the small handful willing to bear the risks.\n\n[](,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\n\n![Shape Description automatically generated](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_proM
gressive:steep/ \"ShapeDescription automatically generated\")\n\nThe reason that normal banks didn
t want to service crypto was because it would expose them to reputational costs and additional overhead (like stepped up KYC obligations and higher insurance premia) that were simply not worth it. Thus, the task was left to a small handful of banks
 primarily Silvergate, Metropolitan (before theM
y closed their crypto practice), and Signature. Silvergate and Signature administered critical infrastructure in their SEN and Signet networks, which allowed crypto firms to move dollars around quickly. So as of early 2023, Silvergate and Signature were quite exposed to the crypto space
 and partly this was due to the fragilization brought on by the regulatory ringfencing.\n\nSecond, and this is no secret, bank regulators, but in particular the FDIC, dramatically increased the level of oversight on these banks aM
round the turn of the year. Bank executives inform me now that they are forced to clear all new crypto clients proactively with the FDIC. This naturally puts a massive damper on any bank
s enthusiasm to support clients engaged in crypto activities. And it
s worth noting that the current FDIC chair, Martin Gruenberg, was the man responsible for Choke Point 1.0 from 2013 to 2017. His nomination for a second FDIC term under Biden was met with [some protest](
-from-being-fdic-chair/) at the time, but this wasn
t an issue in his confirmation. Obviously, he knows the Choke Point playbook inside and out. Against this backdrop, onboarding more crypto clients has become more costly and difficult, hindering the acquisition of new deposits.\n\nAdditionally, post [FTX](, several investigations were [launched](
-bank-regulator-inquiries/) aiming to tie Silvergate to wrongdoing at FTX and Alameda. Silvergate, by all accounts, was a victim of Sam Bankman-Fried
s fraud, just as anyone else was. Aside from their FTX and Alameda ties, there is not yet public evidence that Silvergate
s AML and KYC vendors and practices materially differed from other banks, or whether SBF affiliates were able to get accounts at other US banks. Rather than pursuing a broad investigation of SBF ties throughout the banking system, federal invesM
tigators took a different tack, focusing specifically on Silvergate, and asserting the bank
s culpability in the matter. The reality of whether Silvergate did experience compliance failures, or whether they were simply lied to by a very effective conman will be revealed in time. In DC, the conclusion was already presumed: Silvergate was complicit, rather than merely a victim. Unsurprisingly, depositors began to desert them to reduce their own reputational exposure. Yet, according to Silvergate
lease](, digital assets deposits had risen from their lows, from $3.5B to $3.8B. The run seemed mostly contained, and January and February brought a much needed relief rally for both digital assets and its bond portfolio.\n\nLastly, and perhaps most importantly, in 4Q22 and 1Q23, Silvergate was dependent on advances from the Federal Home Loan Bank (M
FHLB), which it was using to honor withdrawals. In Q4, Silvergate had taken out $4.3B in advances from the FHLB so that they could handle outflows. They noted in a [filing]( that being cut off from this facility would prove fatal. However, in early March, they abruptly repaid the entire facility, and promptly announced that they would be liquidating, sparking the broader bank run.\n\nYou
d think that, given what happened later, peoM
ple would be very interested in understanding the immediate proximate cause of Silvergate
s collapse. But no one has figured out why the FHLB rugged Silvergate yet, nor do people seem to care. Matt Levine [admits]( that no one actually knows why Silvergate was kicked out of the FHLB. He muses that
for political or regulatory or other reasons, the FHLB didn
t want to keep lending to Silvergate.
\n\nCertainly, on the latteM
r point, we know that the FHLB was under immense political and media pressure to unbank Silvergate. Many crypto critics were aghast that a Depression-era lending facility established to support mortgage lending was being used as an ersatz lender of last resort for a crypto-focused bank. Granted, providing secured loans to member institutions has always been a part of the FHLB
s mandate, and the scope has drifted significantly over the decades.\n\nRegardless, progressives and crypto critics were scandalized by theM
 apparent redirection of financial resources away from mortgage lending in favor of crypto activities. In a December 5 [letter](
 then more explicitly in a January 30 [letter](
 to Silvergate, Senators Warren, Marshall, and Kennedy called out the bank
s usage of the FHLB facility and suggested that it put the American taxpayer at risk. Adding to the pressure was the ongoing Federal Housing Financing Agency [review]( to determine whether the FHLB loans were sufficiently in scope. For their part, post-Silvergate collapse, the FHLB [denied]( that they had cut off Silvergate frM
om existing loans, but specifically [did not deny]( that they had refused to roll Silvergate
s facility (the loans were month to month). To analysts like [Levine](, the difference appeared marginal. Ultimately, not renewing Silvergate
s short term loan had the exact same effect as cutting them off from an existing facility
 Silvergate had to sell bonds at a loss, undermining confidence in itM
s ability to continue as a going concern and triggering a second and fatal run.\n\nThere may be some perfectly benign reason that Silvergate abruptly repaid their outstanding advance from the FHLB. They would have had to maintain a sufficient capital ratio to be eligible for the facility, and that could have declined since they disclosed it in their Q4 earnings. However, crypto markets and bonds were up in Q1, so it doesn
t seem likely that Silvergate
s capital ratio would have deteriorated over the period. TheM
 [laws]( governing FHLB advances also give the bank the ability to renew existing advances to members
without positive tangible equity
 provided, however, that a Bank shall honor any written request of the appropriate federal banking agency or insurer that the Bank not renew such advances.
 It is indisputable that Silvergate
s FHLB usage was at the center of a political storm, that determinations to not renew FHLB advances are exceedingly rare, and that the saM
me housing-related political requirements are not being demanded of other banks taking out FHLB advances for liquidity management purposes. Post-Credit Suisse collapse and broader fragility in the bank sector, I wonder if the politicians who harassed Silvergate regret their actions.\n\nAfter the Silvergate run, progressives [crowed victory]( You
d think that faced with the prospect of further runs, members of Congress would be extremely wary of encouragM
ing others. But instead, Senators [Elizabeth Warren]( and [Sherrod Brown]( celebrated the takedown of Silvergate. (If it emerges, as is widely suspected, that Warren
s office actually coordinated her campaign to undermine confidence in Silvergate with notorious [short sellers](, serious answers muM
st be sought.) From the perspective of a depositor at a similar bank, this would have served as a signal to pull your funds. If influential members of Congress were rooting for the failure of crypto and tech-focused banks, why would you keep your funds there?\n\nThis isn
t the first time a member of Congress has arguably incited a bank run. Chuck Schumer is credited by the Office of Thrift Supervision with [contributing to the 2008 collapse of Indymac](, then the second largest baM
nk failure in US history. Schumer, who served on the Senate Banking Committee, wrote a letter to bank regulators questioning the integrity of IndyMac, which became a self-fulfilling prophecy as the bank suffered a fatal run 12 days later. As CNBC wrote at the time:
When a senior senator who is in a number of influential posts regarding oversight of bank regulators directly attacks the confidence of a depository institution, it matters.
 As we have seen, banks are fragile things and confidence crises brought onM
 by powerful Senators can take them down, even if they are solvent. Just as with Schumer, Warren and her colleagues wrote a letter lobbing harsh allegations at the bank and predicting their downfall. In both cases powerful senior Senators on the Senate Bank Committee used their bully pulpit to publicly harass a bank which then failed shortly thereafter.\n\n[](,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
3c-408f-943c-49d9e2ce3563_2047x1365.jpeg)\n\n![](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\n*Chuck Schumer / Image: [Lorie Shaull](
kANifX-2kAJ8FR-2e3hGJW-2e3hHu3-23vtPr8-2e3hHaL-2kANihv-2kANicL-2kAMEzr-2kAMECx-2kAMEA3-2kAJ9ej-2kAJ8Tj-2kAJ8Vy-RYQQsA-2kANikg-2kAJ9gi-2kANiBt-2kAMENY-2kAMF3F-2kAMEHc-2kAMEGq-2kAMETY-2kAJ982-RYQRxG-2e3hHwh-2e3hH8w-2e3hHjU-23vtQRH-RYQMzm)*\n\nAs we saw in 2008, runs cause widespread confident crises and require massively expensive interventions to stop. Schumer
s actions were deeply unwise then, as were Warren
s in 2023. The California Attorney General [mulled an investigation](
indymac-schumer/california-mulls-probing-senator-over-indymac-crash-idUSN2045763020080820) over Schumer
s ill-advised actions in 2008, and they should do exactly the same this time.\n\nSenator Warren is now [calling for]( an investigation into the causes of the collapse. Her own actions should be top of the list for any neutral investigator. The bank run that began at Silvergate has now brought down titans like Credit Suisse and plunged the financial world M
into chaos. Investigators should be asking serious questions about whether the provocations of her office and her colleagues regarding Silvergate and FHLB had a material effect in instigating the collapse.\n\n\n## **Part II: Did Signature
 During The Chaos To Settle A Political Score?**\n\nIf the demise of these banks can be analogized to a murder mystery, Silvergate was killed slowly and covertly with poison while Signature was shot in the street in broad daylight. On Sunday the 12th of March, SiM
gnature (SBNY) was abruptly sent into [FDIC receivership]( by the NYDFS. This was not a two-bit crypto bank. They had $110B in deposits as of YE 2022, of which around 20 percent came from crypto-focused companies. They also administered the popular Signet product, which similarly to Silvergate
s SEN, allowed for crypto firms in their network to settle up fiat transfers 24/7/365. Because blockchains are running and churning all the time, relying on legacy M
banking hours for fiat settlement causes problems, particularly with liquidity to exchanges and stablecoins on the weekend. Especially after the demise of Silvergate, Signet was positioned to benefit as critical crypto infrastructure. On Sunday night, Signet, along with the rest of Signature, was abruptly delivered into the hands of the federal government.\n\nAlmost immediately, we knew something was wrong. Signature was not a
 like Silvergate, where the majority of deposits were derived from cryptM
o firms. It was a pretty venerable NY bank that primarily serviced real estate. It was not in as bleak a financial position as Silvergate or SVB, or other beleaguered regional banks. They weren
t closed on a Friday afternoon after market close, as is typical in receivership situations, but snuck in on a Sunday night, practically a footnote to the SVB shutdown. The FDIC was reportedly surprised on Sunday when SBNY was delivered in to their hands. The NYDFS has maintained a well known long-running animus against crM
ypto. The bank crisis was the perfect cover to take down the last remaining bank which was unapologetic about servicing crypto firms (and ran important fiat settlement infrastructure).\n\nThe only problem: based on what we know, it appears that Signature wasn
t actually insolvent when they were nationalized and $4.3B of shareholder value was vaporized.\n\nThe crypto industry soon found an unlikely ally in Barney Frank: the former chair of the House Financial Services Committee, and the Frank in Dodd-Frank. Mr. FrM
ank served on the board of Signature and had as keen an insight into their finances than anyone. Immediately, he [alleged]( that Signature could have opened Monday, and that leadership was shocked when they were put into receivership. This shocked crypto folks, [including myself](, who immediately suspected foul play.\n\nFrank would later elaborate on his claims in a blockbuster [interview](https://nyM with New York Magazine
s Jen Wieczner. His comments leave absolutely no doubt that the closure was a political hit job, primarily motivated by a desire to send a message to the crypto industry. In the interview, he said the following:\n\n-   DFS never actually said that Signature was insolvent\n    \n-   Despite pending outflows, Signature would have been operational Monday\n    \n-   DFS
t] want banks doing crypto
\n    \n-   SBNY was closed
_pour encourager les autres_
 (to instill fear in others)\n    \n\nAnd Barney Frank is by no means a crypto booster. He has described himself as a skeptic. So his testimony cannot be motivated by a desire to paint the crypto industry in a positive light. The Wall Street Journal Editorial board, normally circumspect about crypto, found Mr. Frank
s statements sufficiently concerning to write twM
o follow-up editorials [1]( [2]( As more data emerged, even the taciturn WSJ became convinced that Signature was a political execution.\n\nNYDFS pushed back, saying they had suffered a
[crisis of confidence](
s leadership, and that they weren
provided with sufficient data in a timely fashion during the crisis. However, neither
 are acceptable reasons to expropriate a solvent bank, especially when other banks in a similar position were given time to save themselves and access the Fed
s new BTFP facility. New York banking law is extremely broad with regards to conditions under which banks can be seized by the superintendent. When challenged, New York will likely argue that conditions (c) or (h) in [banking law 606](https:/M
/ apply
 namely that SBNY was in an
unsound or unsafe condition
submit its records and affairs to inspection.
 Despite the vagueness, justifying the seizure of a solvent bank, something virtually unprecedented in US financial history, will be a high bar to clear.\n\nSignature wasn
t in a particularly precarious position when it came to their held-to-maturity portfolio, which was the issue with SVB. In a note on Sunday morning in the waM
ke of the SVB failure, Piper Sandler said that their balance sheet [looked fine]( Their ratio of unrealized losses to Common Equity Tier 1 capital before they were shuttered was just shy of 40 percent, in line with Wells Fargo and PacWest, and lower than that of First Republic, Comerica Incorporated, Fifth Third Bancorp, Huntington Bancshares, US Bancorp, KeyBank, and Bank of America.\n\nIn particular, the disparate treatment given to Signature versus M
their peers PacWest or First Republic is extremely telling. Both banks were in similar or worse financial positions, yet both were given time to save themselves, whereas Signature was seized on a Sunday night, right after SVB
s collapse. First Republic was given time to raise after the SVB collapse, and [secured]( a $30B lifeline. However, their stock is down 87 percent in the last two weeks and they sM
till [appear]( likely to fail or be acquired. Clearly, they are in a financial position as bad or worse than Signature, yet they have been given plenty of time to sort things out. A banker familiar with the financials of both banks told me of First Republic:
it was a double standard compared to Signature
 zero doubt in my mind.
\n\n[](,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2FsubstackM\n\n![](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\n*FRC over month*\n\nSubsequent developments with Signet and Signature
s crypto business all but confirmed our suspicions. Reuters [reported](
taps-piper-sandler-new-bid-sell-silicon-valley-bank-sources-2023-03-15/) on March 16th that Signature, if sold, would have to exclude their crypto business, according to two sources. This was later later denied by the FDIC, but lo and behold, when the FDIC announced on Sunday March 19th that Signature would be [acquired]( by New York Community Bancorp
s (NYCB) Flagstar bank, the crypto business was not included. There could perhaps be a benign interpretatM
s involvement in Figure
s Provenance blockchain, which they might have seen as competitive with Signet. However, the overall crypto business (Signature had the second-most crypto deposits of any US bank) and the Signet IP is undeniably worth something, and the FDIC
s duty under law is to maximize the value of the entity being sold. This week I heard from crypto clients of SBNY that they were given 24 hours to withdraw their remaining deposits. Post-run, there were still $4b worth of crypto-rM
elated funds at the bank. Purging those deposits is not a move made by a bank that intends to maximize value from their established depository base.\n\nIf Signature is sold to NYCB and Signet is shuttered entirely, and none of their crypto relationships are ultimately acquired, the denials by the FDIC of any anti-crypto motive will look quite hollow. There is surely more to come, but for now it appears that Signature
s entire crypto business has been quashed by government mandate. If the FDIC indeed strips SignatM
ure of its crypto business
 once accounting for around 20 percent of their depository base, they are surely not maximizing value for taxpayers, and stern questions must be asked.\n\n## **Part III: Surveying The Wreckage**\n\n[](,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\n\n![](,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressivM
e:steep/\n**\n\nThe 2023 banking crisis has truly exposed the inherent instability in our financial system. Any bank would struggle to survive massively whipsawing interest rates. Depositors can
t be blamed for fleeing to safer havens. The fiat-only system has rewarded us with a second major financial crisis in our lifetimes, which will yet again require trillions in bailoutsM
. The system in existence since we severed the tether to gold in 1971 has been a rank failure, and it
s no surprise that Bitcoin has found a renewed vigor throughout this latest financial crisis.\n\nThe value proposition of Bitcoin
 an asset which is no one
s liability, and can be truly owned and held in individual self-custody
 has never been more evident. Many in the crypto space see Bitcoin
s recent price performance juxtaposed against that of risk assets or financial indices as validation of this thM
esis.\n\nHowever, the effective decapitation of the pro-crypto bank sector has caused real problems. Silvergate
s Signet were essential infrastructure powering 24/7/365 dollar clearing for crypto firms. Those are now effectively offline or unusable. Because blockchains settle without interruption, frictions emerge when they intersect with the 9 to 5 world of banking. Stablecoins may have trouble keeping their pegs on the weekend. Market makers and exchanges can
t settle with each other as M
easily. Expect liquidity to suffer as a result.\n\nCrypto firms that need banking have a harder time than ever. I can personally attest from our own experiences in the last two weeks at Castle Island that many banks have simply adopted a
 rule. Others demand a certain threshold of assets to overcome the crypto prohibition, or insist that crypto only account for a small portion of your revenue or source of wealth.\n\nThere are a dozen or so onshore banks that have stepped up to fill the gap. However, M
their names are whispered and circulated in private chats among investors and founders. Everyone knows that any bank that emerges as a leader in the crypto space will risk the same fate that befell Silvergate and Signature. So the few banks that are brave enough to bank crypto firms operate in secrecy. And due to this artificial 15 percent threshold on crypto deposits imposed by the FDIC, no bank can ever recreate the network effect of SEN or Signet. Unless a large bank steps in (and none have so far) a competitor M
with a crypto book simply can
t onboard enough crypto clients to create a strong network around real-time fiat settlement.\n\nBased on the dozens of conversations I
ve had with bankers that service crypto clients, the atmosphere is one of abject terror. Crypto firms getting denial after denial from these banks is bad enough, but within them, the regulators have cultivated a horrific environment. Everyone has seen what happened to Silvergate and Signature
 they understand that they could be shut down or seizeM
d at the faintest hint of trouble, even if solvent. Certain banks that serve crypto clients tell me they are getting _daily_ calls from the FDIC demanding lists of crypto clients pressuring the banks to unbank them. (Note: the FDIC is meant to clear updates to the data requests that they make of banks with the Office of Management and Budget, but when they added crypto to the questionnaires in Q4, they failed to do this.)\n\nBanks are now being told to individually run all new crypto business by the FDIC before theM
y do any onboardings. Many of these bankers want to help these potential crypto clients, but because of these verbally-messaged 15 percent thresholds (which could well shrink to zero), they can only allocate a certain ratio of their deposits to the industry, so they have to pick and choose the firms they are able to support. This causes a
 issue, whereby banks must prioritize medium to large clients (not too big to as to breach the threshold, but not too small so as to make the additional cost burdeM
n not worth it). Financial considerations mean that smaller crypto clients are left in the cold.\n\nMost worryingly, the takedowns of Silvergate and Signature represent a rank lawlessness associated with authoritarian regimes. In a lawful society, solvent banks are not seized by the government simply because their clientele is politically disfavored. Shareholders in Signature had $4.3B in equity ($22B at peak) wiped out with no recourse. This is a confiscation that you might expect from the CCP, not NYDFS. The US hM
as already put the world on notice by weaponizing the Treasury market with their seizure of Russian reserves. It
s no secret that foreigners are divesting as a consequence, and trying to reduce their exposure to the dollar and the dollar settlement system. The dollar
s pre-eminence globally, long considered unimpeachable, is fraying, as Russia, China, and the Saudis look to settle in alternative currencies. The US can ill-afford to sow mistrust in its own banking system.\n\nThe public deserves answers to why anM
 apparently solvent and functional $100B bank was seized on a Sunday night with no notice. Lame excuses like
crisis of confidence in leadership
 are nowhere near sufficient explanations to justify the third largest bank closure in US history. DFS additionally questioned SBNY
ability to do business in a safe and sound manner on Monday.
 Of course, this is a bit of a catch-22, as all crypto-focused banking has been derided repeatedly by bank regulators as incompatible with bM
safety and soundness,
 as I covered in my [prior note](, and as was elucidated in [Congressional testimony]( by former OCC Chief Counsel Jonathan Gould. If you declare a certain type of business incompatible with bank safety and soundness, and then close the bank on a soundness basis, it
s just a long-winded way of saying
this particular legal industry is baM
 Real answers must be sought.\n\nThose paying attention in the crypto space are scandalized, but have largely failed to react. As of yet, no meaningful pushback has materialized, with the exception of that from Whip Emmer, who [accused]( the FDIC of
weaponizing recent instability in the banking sector to purge legal crypto activity from the US.
 Former Comptroller Brian Brooks also [alleged](
y-ceo-us-government-using-crisis-to-choke-off-crypto-access-to-banks/) that bank regulators were using the crisis to choke off crypto-focused banks.\n\nWhat must happen here is an honest investigation into the causes of the bank crisis, and in particular the role that federal regulators and members of Congress played. Crucially, the public deserves to know whether Signature was arbitrarily seized during the fog of war to advance a political agenda. Shareholders who saw their equity wrongly vaporized should sue undeM
r New York law. Clients of these banks who suffered business impairments on account of rapid forced withdrawals (and a general unwillingness of other banks to support them) or the closure of SEN/Signet also have a case here.\n\n#### **To the FDIC and OCC, I would ask the following:**\n\n-   Were you aware that by discouraging banks from serving crypto, you caused deposits to crowd into a small handful of banks, rendering them highly exposed to the sector?\n    \n-   Do you acknowledge that the harassment leveled atM
 crypto-focused banks increased the fragility of those institutions, contributing to their eventual collapse?\n    \n-   You spent months lambasting the crypto space for posing a
safety and soundness
 do you acknowledge that the risks that actually materialized were systemic, and primarily a function of rapidly rising interest rates, bond portfolio losses and the velocity of electronic deposits and information?\n    \n-   How much time and resources have your agencies allocated to crypto issuM
es over the last three months? To what extent has your focus on crypto detracted from your ability to monitor broader systemic and generalized risks in the banking system?\n    \n-   Do your bank run models account for faster run possibility due to online and mobile banking (and in July, FedNow), and will you be raising liquidity and capital ratios as a consequence?\n    \n-   Why were First Republic Bank and PacWest (each with no crypto practice, but each in a worse financial position) given time to save themselveM
s when Signature was seized and given no time to procure liquidity?\n    \n-   What communication have you had, if any, with the FHLB with regards to Silvergate? What was the actual cause of their advance being abruptly terminated?\n    \n-   FDIC Chair Martin Gruenberg presided over the first Choke Point campaign from 2013-17. How can the public expect impartiality if he has a track record of politicizing banking against disfavored industries?\n    \n-   What authority grants you the power to cut off banking accesM
s for an entire industry with no Congressional approval?\n    \n-   Did anyone at your agency install a verbally-messaged 15 percent maximum threshold for crypto-related deposits at banks in Q4 2022, and single-digit percentages for banks not already active in crypto? Was this official agency policy, and if so, by what process did you arrive at this threshold?\n    \n-   If so, under what authority did you institute these thresholds, and why did you do it informally, and not in writing?\n    \n-   When you broadeneM
d your data requests to banks to cover crypto in Q4 2022, why did you not obtain permission from the OMB first?\n    \n-   After Reuters reported that Signet would not be included in a Signature acquisition, you claimed this was inaccurate. Did you walk back that guidance because you realized it was unpopular? Do you acknowledge that Reuters
 reporting was accurate given that Signature
s digital business was not ultimately included in the sale to NYCB?\n    \n\n#### **To NYDFS, I would ask the following:**\n\n-M
   Was Signature solvent on March 12th, when it was sent into receivership by NYDFS?\n    \n-   Why was Signature sent into receivership, given its apparently non-catastrophic financial situation over the weekend? What factors played the largest role in your decision to seize the bank on Sunday night, as opposed to letting it open on Monday?\n    \n-   Will an acquirer be permitted to restart Signature
s crypto practice, including Signet? If not, what is your possible justification?\n    \n-   Financial regulatorM
s have repeatedly claimed that crypto that poses a
safety and soundness
 risk to banks. You justified Signature
safety and soundness
 so are you admitting that it did indeed have something to do with its crypto business?\n    \n\n#### **To Senator Warren, I would ask the following:**\n\n-   Do you acknowledge that pressuring FHLBs to discriminate against crypto banks contributed to the demise of Silvergate and the resulting bank run, which then spread to the entire global financiaM
l sector?\n    \n-   Do you acknowledge that celebrating the run on Silvergate would have encouraged depositors at other crypto-facing banks to withdraw their deposits, worsening an escalating crisis?\n    \n-   Did you coordinate with high-profile short sellers when you wrote your letter to Silvergate leadership in December 2022 and then January 2023, just two months before Silvergate
s fatal run?\n    \n-   To what extent have you communicated with bank regulators about crypto-specific topics compared to intereM
st rate risk? In retrospect, would you say you have spent a disproportionate amount of attention on the risks emanating from crypto, as opposed to core risks to bank business models? Why do you think crypto warrants such a large amount of attention compared to these other risks?\n    \n\n#### **To the Fed, I would ask the following:**\n\n-   Custodia proposed an over-reserved business model holding only short-dated government securities, yet their application was denied. Do you acknowledge that a fully-reserved banM
k could have supported crypto firms without passing on any volatility from the crypto industry?\n    \n-   Could you have better anticipated the crisis at SVB if you had spent less time worrying about the crypto sector and worrying more about the effect of rising rates on bank balance sheets? How much time and resources have been allocated to topics of crypto supervision compared to the impact of rising interest rates on banks?\n    \n-   Do your stress tests include adverse scenarios wherein benchmark interest ratM
es rise 5 percent in a given year? If not, how suitable were stress test scenarios in identifying the risks of last year
s monetary policy? Would last year
s stress tests have caught issues at regional banks under the Dodd-Frank asset threshold given the scenarios tested?\n    \n-   How did you completely fail to anticipate the risks of rising rates on bank balance sheets? Do you acknowledge that you entirely failed in your bank supervisory job, given your inability to anticipate SVB?\n    \n\n-   To what extenM
t did the development of Fednow play a role in your supervision of private sector clearing networks such as Signet and SEN?\n    \n\n-   Do you acknowledge that campaign
s by high-profile Senators against Silvergate contributed to a loss of confidence in the banking system and encouraged further runs?\n    \n\nThe people behind this lawless attack on a legal industry have names, and they should be questioned to the fullest extent possible, by anyone that cares about the rule of law, due process, and the integrityM
 of our financial system. As far as I
ve been able to reconstruct, primary responsibility for the coordinated crackdown rests with the following individuals, scattered across agencies, states, and Congress.\n\n[](,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/\n\n![Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated](
ge/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/ \"Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated\")\n\nThe most visible smoking gun is DFS
 decision to seize Signature that fateful Sunday. The FDIC and the OCC are the main agencies being used to cajole and bully banks into cutting off crypto. Ultimate direction is coming primarily from Bharat RamamurtiM
, formerly of the National Economic Council (the primary economic decision-making body in the White House), who now serves as Senior Counselor to the President. Ramamurti got his White House job through Senator Warren after working in her office from 2013 to 2019 as senior counsel for banking and economic policy.\n\nThe failure of these banks is now being represented as a crypto issue, or in the case of SVB, a story of undue risks taken with their bond portfolio and a flighty depositor base. But the failure of the M
crypto banks stems in large part from the regulatory harassment that these banks have endured over recent months. In this case, regulators and politicians were not merely warning of potential issues, they were actually causing the issues in the first place. As is so common with bank regulation, in trying to mitigate risk, they actually amplified or created risks which may have not existed in the first place. In another, better world, the Fed would have approved Custodia
s full-reserve model years ago, and crypto M
firms would have happily banked with them without passing on any risk whatsoever from the volatility of the industry (Custodia proposed holding all deposits in short dated treasuries and doing no maturity transformation). But the Fed denied Custodia, and industry firms crowded into riskier banks instead.\n\nPost-collapse, financial regulators are using the examples of Silvergate and Signature to make the case to any other banks that would do business with crypto firms. _Pour encourager les autres. Shoot the stallioM
n to scatter the herd._ But the collateral damage of this hunting expedition is immense. These are not examples of crypto business gone wrong. They are examples of assassinations of otherwise functional banks that dared to service a politically disfavored industry. It
s not just crypto enthusiasts that should be worried. Choke Point 1.0 extended to 30 distinct industries. It
s guess how far they will go with the more aggressive and overt 2.0. And I hesitate to imagine what these tools would like if wM
ielded by a revanchist second term Trump, or a ruthless DeSantis. When finance is politicized, everyone is a potential target.\n\n_Thanks to Makesy, Austin Campbell, and Omid Malekan for their feedback on this article._\n\n-Nic Carter\n\n[Nic Carter](\nMarch 23, 2023\n\n---\n\n[1](\n\n[2](
d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/
s banks are missing hundreds of billions of dollars",
  "url": "",
  "author": "The Economist",
  "body": "### How the Federal Reserve drained the financial system of deposits\n\n![FILE -- The Federal Reserve building in Washington, on Oct. 22, 2021. The Federal Reserve's decision next week could nudge rates even higher, and that jump in borrowingM
 costs is catching some businesses, investors and households by surprise. (Stefani Reynolds/The New York Times)Credit: New York Times / Redux / eyevineFor further information please contact eyevinetel: +44 (0) 20 8709 8709e-mail:](\n\nMar 21st 2023\n\nIt is easy  to understand how money gets destroyed in a traditional bank run. Picture the men in top hats yelling at clerks in
. The crowds want thM
eir cash and bank tellers are trying to provide it. But when customers flee, staff cannot satisfy all comers before the institution topples. The remaining debts (which, for banks, include deposits) are wiped out.\n\nThis is not what happens in the digital age. The depositors fleeing  [Silicon Valley Bank](  (svb) did not ask for notes and coins. They wanted their balancM
es wired elsewhere. Nor were deposits written off when the bank went under. Instead, regulators promised to make  svb
s clients whole. Although the failure of the  [institution](  was bad news for shareholders, it should not have reduced the aggregate amount of deposits in the banking system.\n\nThe odd thing is that deposits in American banks are nevertheless falling. Over the past year those in commercial banks haM
ve sunk by half a trillion dollars, a fall of nearly 3%. This makes the financial system more fragile, since banks must shrink to repay their deposits. Where is the money going?\n\nThe answer begins with money-market funds, low-risk investment vehicles that park money in short-term government and corporate debt. Such funds, which yield only slightly more than a bank account, saw inflows of $121bn last week as  svb  failed. According to the Investment Company Institute, an industry outfit, in March they had $5.3trn M
of assets, up from $5.1trn a year before.\n\nBut money does not actually flow into these funds, for they are unable to take deposits. Instead, cash leaving a bank for a money-market fund is credited to the fund
s bank account, from which it is used to purchase the commercial paper or short-term debt in which the fund wants to invest. When the fund uses the cash in this way, it then flows into the bank account of whichever institution sells the asset. Inflows to money-market funds should thus shuffle deposits arouM
nd the banking system, not force them out.\n\nAnd that is what used to happen. Yet there is one new way in which money-market funds may suck deposits from the banking system: the Federal Reserve
s reverse-repo facility, which was introduced in 2013. The scheme was a seemingly innocuous change to the financial system
s plumbing that may, just under a decade later, be having a profoundly destabilising impact on banks.\n\nIn a usual repo transaction a bank borrows from competitors or the central bank and deposits M
collateral in exchange. A reverse repo does the opposite. A shadow bank, such as a money-market fund, instructs its custodian bank to deposit reserves at the Fed in return for securities. The scheme was meant to aid the Fed
s exit from ultra-low rates by putting a floor on the cost of borrowing in the interbank market. After all, why would a bank or shadow bank ever lend to its peers at a lower rate than is available from the Fed?\n\nBut use of the facility has jumped in recent years, owing to vast quantitative eM
asing (qe) during covid-19 and regulatory tweaks which left banks laden with cash.  qe  creates deposits: when the Fed buys a bond from an investment fund, a bank must intermediate the transaction. The fund
s bank account swells; so does the bank
s reserve account at the Fed. From the start of  qe  in 2020 to its end two years later, deposits in commercial banks rose by $4.5trn, roughly equal to the growth in the Fed
s own balance-sheet.\n\nFor a while the banks could cope with the inflows because the Fed easM
ed a rule known as the
Supplementary Leverage Ratio
 (slr) at the start of covid. This stopped the growth in commercial banks
 balance-sheets from forcing them to raise more capital, allowing them to safely use the inflow of deposits to increase holdings of Treasury bonds and cash. Banks duly did so, buying $1.5trn of Treasury and agency bonds. Then in March 2021 the Fed let the exemption from the  slr  lapse. Banks found themselves swimming in unwanted cash. They shrank by cutting their borrowing from moneyM
-market funds, which instead parked cash at the Fed. By 2022 the funds had $1.7trn deposited overnight in the Fed
s reverse-repo facility, compared with a few billion a year earlier.\n\nAfter  svb
s smaller banks fear deposit losses. Monetary tightening has made them even more likely. Use of money-market funds rises along with rates, as Gara Afonso and colleagues at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York find, since returns adjust faster than bank deposits. Indeed, the Fed has raised the rate onM
 overnight-reverse-repo transactions from 0.05% in February 2022 to 4.55%, making it far more alluring than the going rate on bank deposits of 0.4%. The amount money-market funds parked at the Fed in the reverse-repo facility
and thus outside the banks
jumped by half a trillion dollars in the same period.\n\n## A licence to print money\n\nFor those lacking a banking licence, leaving money at the repo facility is a better bet than leaving it in a bank. Not only is the yield higher, but there is no reason to worrM
y about the Fed going bust. Money-market funds could in effect become
: institutions that back consumer deposits with central-bank reserves, rather than higher-return but riskier assets. A narrow bank cannot make loans to firms or write mortgages. Nor can it go bust.\n\nThe Fed has long been sceptical of such institutions, fretting that they would undermine banks. In 2019 officials denied  tnb usa, a startup aiming to create a narrow bank, a licence. A similar concern has been raised about openingM
s balance-sheet to money-market funds. When the reverse-repo facility was set up, Bill Dudley, president of the New York Fed at the time, worried it could lead to the
disintermediation of the financial system
. During a financial crisis it could exacerbate instability with funds running out of riskier assets and onto the Fed
s balance-sheet.\n\nThere is no sign yet of a dramatic rush. For now, the banking system is dealing with a slow bleed. But deposits are growing scarcer as the system is squeezKed
s small and mid-sized banks could pay the price.
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s $8.6 Trillion Balance Sheet a Focus as Banks Seek Cash",
  "url": "",
  "author": "Alex Harris, Jonnelle Marte and Liz McCormick",
  "body": "- **Banks rushes to tap Fed liquidity amid funding strains** \n - **That
s raising questions about program meant to drain reserves**\n\n![The Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve building in Washington, DC.](\n*The Marriner S. EccleM
s Federal Reserve building in Washington, DC.\nPhotographer: Stefani Reynolds/Bloomberg*\n\nBy [Alex Harris](, [Jonnelle Marte]( and [Liz McCormick](\n\nMarch 20, 2023, 1:32 PM UTC\nUpdated on March 20, 2023, 3:17 PM UTC\n\n---\nFor all the focus on whether thM
e Federal Reserve is about to  [pause its interest-rate]( \"Case for Fed Pause Builds After Crisis-Echoing Move on Swaps (1)\")  hikes, there
s another critical policy decision sure to draw plenty of attention come Wednesday: What the central bank does with its massive pile of bond holdings.\n\nThe banking-sector  [turmoil](
om/news/articles/2023-03-17/first-republic-s-30-billion-rescue-fails-to-quell-investor-fear \"First Republic
s $30 Billion Rescue Fails to Quell Investor Fear\"), combined with a previous increase in funding pressures, has left financial markets keenly attuned to what the Fed will say about its $8.6 trillion balance sheet.\n\nUntil this month the stash had been shrinking as part of the Fed
s efforts to return it back to pre-pandemic levels. But now it has started to expand again as the Fed acts to bolster the bM
anking system through a slate of emergency lending programs. Its latest step came Sunday, when it moved with other central banks to boost  [US dollar liquidity]( \"Fed and Global Central Banks Move to Boost Dollar Funding (3)\").\n\nSome say financial-stability concern may spur policymakers to  [dial back](
3-03-13/-qe-in-another-name-new-bank-backstop-could-mean-end-of-fed-qt \"
: New Bank Backstop Points to End of Fed QT\")  the runoff of its bond portfolio, a process known as quantitative tightening that
s designed to drain reserves from the system. Still, others argue that even if the Fed does pause its rate increases, the central bank
s overarching goal of taming inflation means it
s unlikely it will signal any shift this week in efforts to shrink the holdings of Treasuries and mortgaM
ge-backed debt. The one exception, they note, would be if stress in the banking sector were to become much more severe.\n\nThe Fed
s move to backstop US banks
clearly expands the Fed
 said Subadra Rajappa, head of US rates strategy at Societe Generale SA. If usage of the Fed
s liquidity facilities is
small and contained they probably continue QT, but if the take-up is large then they probably stop as it then starts to raise concerns over reserve scarcity.
\n\n![The Fed's Balance SheM
et Is Expanding Again | Banking turmoil has seen officials effectively undo a big chunk of QT](\n\nThe fate of the Fed
s portfolio is a subject of debate after the collapse of several US lenders led the central bank to create a new emergency backstop, known as the Bank Term Funding Program, which it announced March 12. Banks  [borrowed](
y-borrow-164-8-billion-from-fed \"Banks Rush to Backstop Liquidity With $165 Billion From Fed (2)\")  $153 billion from the Fed
 traditional liquidity backstop
 in the week ended March 15, Fed data show, a record that eclipsed the previous all-time high set during the 2008 financial crisis. They also tapped the new program for $11.9 billion.\n\nThe various liquidity programs added about $300 billion to the Fed
s balance sheet last week, reversing about half of the reduction thM
e central bank has achieved since the runoff began last June. But some economists say the two tracks can work in tandem, with the banking efforts targeting financial stability and QT remaining a steady part of the Fed
s plan to remove the support it provided during the pandemic.\n\n
I expect that quantitative tightening will continue,
 former New York Fed President William Dudley said  [in an interview](
-qt-even-in-face-of-banking-strains \"Dudley Sees Fed Sticking With QT Even in Face of Banking Strains\")  on Bloomberg Surveillance. That program is
very separate and different
s steps to shore up confidence in the banking system, he said.\n\n\n\nEven before the trio of lenders failed this month, there were already signs that some institutions needed to access wholesale funding markets to replace deposit outflows, with customers shifting cash into higher-yielding alternatives as the Fed liftedM
 rates. Federal Home Loan Banks
 total advances to members had already more than doubled to $819 billion last year. And until the FHLBs ramped up issuance last week to support member institutions, volumes in the federal funds market
 where FHLBs are the largest lender of overnight cash
 had reached seven-year highs amid banks
 increased funding needs.\n\nWell before the Fed announced QT, analysts had expected the unwind was going to result in excess liquidity draining faster from the banks than other areaM
s of the financial system, like money-market funds, that have parked more than $2 trillion at the Fed
s reverse repurchase agreement facility. In the minutes of the last central bank gathering, officials even discussed risks of temporary funding pressures.\n\nStill, the Fed
s response to the banking crisis
 providing liquidity to lenders
 is a wrench in the works for some analysts, who say it risks sending confusing signals.\n\n
The Fed doing its new emergency bank program and QT at the same time is totM
ally contradictory policies,
 said Michael Darda, chief economist at Roth MKM.
The Fed is now at cross purposes
 working against itself. They are trying to support the banking system on one hand but on the other side they are doing things that will constrain it.
\n\nThe counter to the argument that Fed is sending mixed signals is that this new program is more akin to what the Bank of England  [did last year](
-19-3-billion-of-emergency-bond-purchases \"BOE Finishes Unwinding
19.3 Billion Emergency Bond Program (1)\"), when it bought government bonds to stabilize markets
 an emergency action as opposed to a broad thrust of monetary policy.\n\n### Sunday Developments\n\nAnnouncements Sunday that UBS Group AG would  [acquire]( \"UBS to Buy Credit Suisse in $3 Billion Deal to FightM
 Crisis (3)\")  Credit Suisse Group AG and that five central banks would take coordinated action to boost liquidity in US dollar swap arrangements increased concern that financial risks may be greater than initially feared. Existing central bank liquidity swap lines with the Fed have been largely untouched amid the most recent market turmoil.\n\nFormer Fed Governor Laurence Meyer and his colleagues at research firm Monetary Policy Analytics said in a note Sunday night that they saw a greater chance of the Fed pausiM
ng or adjusting its balance-sheet plan after the news.\n\nAt the very least, it all stands to make Fed Chair Jerome Powell
s job that much harder Wednesday when he
s likely to face questions about how the central bank
s various policies fit together.\n\nFed officials haven
t provided a recent timeline for when they expect to wind down QT, but Powell said  [last month]( \"Powell/David RubinstM
ein transcript\")  it will be a couple of years until the balance sheet reaches a level where bank reserves are still ample.\n\nWhether that
s still his base case remains to be seen.\n\n
QT is a part of their monetary policy, and so whatever they do with QT is also a signal about what they do about the funds rate and whether they
re going to continue hiking, whether they
re going to hold, how long they
re going to hold and when they start easing,
 said Derek Tang, an economist at LH Meyer/Monetary PolicLfy Analytics.\n\n(Adds comments from former New York Fed President William Dudley in 8th paragraph.)"
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d/Foundry USA Pool #dropgold/

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